Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan) was living the small town life, until the day she was abducted by a sadistic killer. After a frantic search, Aubrey turns up alive, but changed. She is missing limbs, but has gained a new per... more »sonality - that of bad girl Dakota Moss. Her parents and the FBI think she?s suffering from delusions, but if Dakota is just a trick of her mind, why do strange wounds keep appearing on her body? Desperate and alone, Aubrey must now unlock family secrets to unmask a mysterious killer with a deadly obsession.« less
"Brainy student Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan) disappears one night after a football game. She's found days later, barely alive and horribly mutilated. She doesn't recognize her parents or her name - she insists she's a stripper named Dakota. She goes home with Aubrey's parents to recuperate but is oddly uncooperative with the police investigation, claiming she never saw her kidnapper. She starts having strange dreams, violent flashes of an attack she doesn't remember.
This film has all the earmarks of a low-budget shockfest: pointless nudity, slashing violence, and dialogue that is so corny it's laughable. The script is so convoluted and wacky that when I wasn't covering my eyes from the gore, I was rolling them at the dumb things the characters did and said (the crew from Mystery Science Theatre 3000 would have had a field day with this flick).
I'm sure none of the actors will want to put this film on their resumes. Lohan doesn't put much effort into her acting but does wear an excessive amount of eye make-up and Julia Ormond (Legends of the Fall) is wasted as her long-suffering mother. The worst part of it is that the villain's motive is never explained (don't blink or you'll miss the perp altogether). "I Know..." has sickeningly graphic torture, the dullest pole-dance ever filmed, and a ludicrous plot. For strong stomachs only."
An Amazing-Exciting Peace of Art
Jack Sprat | 10/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I know who killed me is a fascinating horror movie-unique and brisk. This movie will challenge your mind and scenses. You will feel things you never normally feel watching a movie. Lindsay Lohans acting-although rough at times (she was ill while filming)-is quite amazing and scary at times. Lindsay Lohans stripping scenes are the best ever seen and far better than Demi Moore in Striptease. If you want the same kind of mind numbing movie that is endlessly repeated many times a year you will not enjoy this movie. But for people who are intelligent and love that which is unique this may become your favorite movie."
Had its faults, but overal not that bad of a movie
K. Trotter | 11/17/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I went in saw this movie the night it come out largely because i was bored, it looked interesting and there was nothing better out. It had its cheesy moments, its unintentional funny moments but it also had some good points. This movie got alot of flack from everyone but you have to accept it for what it is and i have definety seen MUCH worse from Hollywood. I liked it particulary because it was different. It based its self around the wierd topic of twin stigmata...So i was game for something other than run of the mill.
Also if you're sort of like me, a Lindsey Lohan closet fan, you'll probably enjoy her performance in this movie. It was nice to see her branch out and do something other than a disney remake or a chick flick (even though those were good)
I gave it 3 stars because it was no way the best movie id ever seen but it definetly by far wasnt the worst movie i've ever seen. If you're pretty open minded and are hungry for something different to watch, give this movie a try."
If you watch it for what it is.
Jay Michael | New York City, NY | 11/15/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you look at this movie for what it is, a psychological thriller about a girl who may be chanelling two identites, it is just a cheesy thriller with a rather predictable ending. Watching this movie for the first time, I was a little dissapointed. The Trailer for this film, made it look a little better I agree, but it also was cut and pasted together pretty nicely. When i saw it for a second time, it made more sense, it was supposed to be a simple thriller, not some amazing hollywood movie with oscar acting.
But if you watch it not expecting too much than how can you really get dissapointed. All thrillers and horror movies are gory, gruesome, and cheesy. The good always wins and the bad always dies. Same sort of senario here.
I have to say lastly that, I give Lindsay Lohan credit for stepping outside her "typical" movie to play something different. I am not saying that she is the greatest in this film, but I do give her credit for trying. It takes a lot to break the type cast you are stuck in as an actor. I say this because I am an actor myself and I just give her props for trying.
For what the movie is, its decent, a little gory, but has a great soundtrack and if you watch it not expecting an oscar worthy film, you may like it."
I'm kind of impartial
Braden Pickering | Maricopa, AZ | 10/04/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I think this film was unfairly branded a disaster right from the start because the star, Lindsay Lohan, is more known for being a real-life tranwreck than anything else. But the truth is, I don't mind her as an actress, and she's actually fairly competent in a role that could easily turn into parody and undermine the "heavyness" of what the story is all about. I also thought Julia Ormand was great as the concerned and confused mother.
The plot was interesting, and kept me engaged until the very end, though in the process managed to throw a few curveballs that I felt were unsubstantiated and meant only to make the viewer more confused. It also seemed like the scenes of Lindsay dancing in the strip joint went on forever. I guess a lot of guys wouldn't complain, lol, but it seemed pretty gratuitous anyhow, even if there was no actual nudity. It's like, we get it, you're low class, now move on. Lastly, there was a general "made for tv" feeling about the whole thing, suggesting the budget was limited. That didn't affect the performances, but some of the graphic effects came off as corny.
In the end, I'm impartial to the movie. I found it in the bargain bin at a chain store, and it was worth watching once for the price. I wouldn't necessarily go out of my way to recommend it, but I also felt like I needed to defend it against the people who said it was the epitomy of bad film-making. Rest assured there is certainly worse stuff out there than this little movie.