I'll always know . . . this movie is better than people say
marky77 | England | 03/19/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer is actually a good horror movie. There are only really two flaws in it that caused me to give it four stars instead of five. The first reason is that it is about 45 minutes before "The Fisherman" kills anybody, however the same is true of the previous two movies so if it didn't bother you then it shouldn't bother you in this movie. The second (and the reason why most people seem to dislike this movie) is that fact that, although it is called "I'll always..." suggests that it is a continuation of the first two movies, it is about a different group of teenagers who accidently kill somebody on July 4th and Jennifer Love Hewitt is not in this movie. Yes, it's a little dissapointing as she was the main charactor in the first two, but it's no reason to hate the movie.
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer is scary and suspenseful and is gorier than "I Know..." or "I Still Know..." and is still a really good movie, with a good twist in the end involving the fisherman (I wont give any spoilers). The movie does well in creating more suspence by having the fisherman actually attack the charactors (like he did to Barry in the origional) so that you never know when the charactors are going to get killed, which makes the movie less predictable and adds to the shock factor when the main charactors do start dying.
Five teenagers are involved in a Fourth of July prank, concerning the legend of Ben Willis, which goes horribly wrong, resulting in the death of one of them. Like in the first movie, they all band together and agree to take the secret to their graves. Little do they know how literal their promises are as one year later, as Fourth of July approaches, they are killed one-by-one by a mysterious fisherman knows what they did. Yes, it is similar to the origional but not as similar as it sounds and apart from the basic plot, is completely different - but not in a bad way.
Unless you are a MASSIVE fan of Jennifer Love Hewitt and only watched the movies because she was in them, I would deffinatly reccomend this movie is worth watching. Hopefully it is not the end of the series and they may make a fourth pairing up the survivor(s) of this movie with the survivors of I Still Know What You Did Last Summer."
Another Awful Sequel!!!
Pumpkin Man | 03/01/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This one was pretty good for a little bit. Until the very end was when I didn't like it. The reason I didn't like it was because the killer was some kind of demon or something. I mean, Ben Willis was supposed to be the Fisherman, not some demon. I would not recommend I'LL ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!!!"
Great gift
jeff morgan | 02/01/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"gave this to my lil sis who has always liked theses movies and it made a very nice gift for her b/c all 3 movies are together in a nice package"
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 09/01/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I bought the I Know What You Did Last Summer trilogy for a good price and was looking foward to watching this film. I have no idea why because I can barely recall the first two entrys in this teen slasher series. I notice the synposis of the film is messed up on the triolgy version, but I do not know about the actual copies of the movie.
Anyway, the film starts off with some teens staging a prank at a local fair about the fisherman. They have a kid dress up as him and chase them around. Then one friend tragically dies when a stunt goes wrong and the teens make a pact not to tell anyone about it. The plot slowly unfolds with little twists and jolts speard out. I thought for sure it was Deputy Dan doing the killings since he showed up out of nowhere most of the time. I hated the shaky camera that always goes for a cheap jolt. Whoever invented this should be ashame for ruining so many good horror films. I know it's a small gripe but I just hate those shaky camera shots and can ruin a good film. The kills were pretty good and I enjoyed a few of them, espeically the death of the deputy towards the end. The only part I hated was the killer let one victim go, which was sloppy and didn't really make much sense. When it revealed who the killer was, I thought what the hell were they thinking? I guess they thought it was a good idea but i'm still undecided about it. The ending was cheap and pointless, it really didnt make sense and I can't imagine what te next film, if made, would be called.
Overall, besides the shaky camera, I enjoyed this film. It wasn't a classic but enjoyable and the death scenes were really well done."