Kitty Kats and Krime! "I'm so confused! Everything's really crazy," says Julie, the bewildered heroine of Kitten in a Cage. And you'll be saying the exact same thing as you sit there watching this mind-boggling thriller th... more »at dares you to make sense of it. Detailing "the most insane day of Julie's life," the poor girl is pursued by a mysterious stranger in a ski mask who keeps trying to drug her (and who attacks a stripper for... well, no particular reason). Apparently, Julie knows something about something that she really doesn't know anything about, and some very dangerous goons are after her for it. Distributed by Harry Novak (Agony of Love) and featuring nudie-film icon June Roberts as a semi-lesbian stripper who aggressively deals with a heckling drunk, Kitten in a Cage is the kind of cinematic lunacy that can make any home entertainment center feel like a padded cell. Plus: The Girl from Pussycat wants you to join her gang of sex-crazed semi-lesbian sociopathic sex-kittens as they pick up guys, make love to gals, and even rob a bank. And what better way to celebrate stealing a cool $250,000 than to throw the money on the floor, invite some friends over, and have an old-fashioned orgy on top of it. But when one of their dumb boyfriends threatens to call the cops, butch boss Bobbi promptly cooks his fingers in a toaster in this sleazy celebration of sin and skin! Over 3-1/2 Hours of Sex-Krazed Kitties!« less