Aragorn the Traveler | Houston, TX United States | 01/24/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this review is actually written by bruce's longterm life-partner, dennis milam."kiss the bride" was nicely written and paced and the acting was overall good. it was refreshing to see a same-sex romance that did not have to end either tragically or madly-in-love but was more realistic. the special treat was seeing steve sandvoss on the screen again. after his debut in "latter days" i'd hoped he'd be discovered and his talent would be recognized. he's kept working steadily according to his website. here,he gets a chance to play a comedic role. he is so good he disappears into it. it took a while to realize who the actor was! his comedic timing was sharp and he made the goofy character come alive and be lovable. the scenes at the stripper club parking lot were memorable. on a more superficial level,it was good to see him with facial hair.i'd seen him with it on his website/other films. however, he's not just another handsome face but has real talent."
Read the Script!!!
LA Comedian | Los Angeles, CA | 12/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sure, there were problems with the movie, but the script was dead on. Keep your eye on the first time screenwriter, Ty Lieberman. You're going to see big things from him!"
It's 3 in the afternoon...and I'm Drunk
N Eld | USA | 01/03/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a fun film, showing that Tori Spelling is more then just her last name. She shines in her role as Alex, a quirky fun-loving woman about to marry. What she doesn't know is that her husband to be used to be with another man. With a great soundtrack done by Levi Kreis this is a WORTH WATCH!!"
Amusing in parts, but overall a disappointment.
Bob Lind | Phoenix, AZ United States | 12/05/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"You say you always wanted to see a gay version of Julia Roberts' "My Best Friend's Wedding"? Well, the Here!TV made-for-cable film "Kiss the Bride" (2007) comes pretty close, but nowhere near as good or funny.
Matthew (Philip Karner) is the editor of a San Francisco-based gay magazine, working on a special article about gay marriages, and being deluged by invitations by couples wanting their ceremony to be featured. Among the pile of invitations, he spots one with the name of his boyhood best friend (and first lover) back in New Mexico, Ryan (James O'Shea) who - to Matthew's surprise - is marrying Alex, a woman, played by Tori Spelling. Matthew decides to attend the wedding, and satisfy his curiousity as to whether Ryan is indeed gay and, if so, perhaps talk him out of getting married. A very colorful supporting cast dictates much of the action from there, first mistaking Matthew for the stripper hired for Alex's bridal shower (Trivia note: the stripper that eventually shows up is Dean McDermott, Tori's real-life spouse), and then being invited to stay with Ryan and Alex in their guest room, in between outings with their respective dysfunctional families.
I get the feeling that the screenwriter was going for some sort of "message" beyond the normal scope of a fluffy romantic comedy, but I came away unsure what that message was supposed to be. Obviously, he was making a point that sometimes people make wrong choices because they feel powerless to do otherwise, or perhaps he was saying that gay/straight sexuality is not a matter of black and white, but of shades of gray. In any case, the message is muddled with a sophmoric storyline, with some "what were they thinking?" moments (such as when Matthew is caught in bed with Alex, and reportedly is aroused) and weak direction. I found the acting capable, for the most part, with Spelling actually pretty good, with the weakest link likely Karner, whose character carried most of the scenes. Currently on rotation on Here! TV, and available on DVD (extras include lengthy background and deleted scenes which make the direction seem even more questionable). More disappointing than awful, and has a few amusing moments. I give it three stars out of five."
A film as good as "Shelter" this one ain't.............
JUST A REVIEWER2 | 12/17/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
((Here is my approach to obtaining/viewing/reviewing Gay tales in film form. Simply, it's seeking the holy grail of that genre, or looking for the "Addictive Film"---that movie one returns to time and again). Selection/purchase is based mainly on finding new releases by favorite directors/screenwriters and your comments/reviews at various on-line sites. Sometimes I feel correctly steered by you (the "Keepers" filling my DVD shelves), other times mislead, occasionally badly (the "Throwaways"----and I do toss 'em). Rarely, I come across the "Addictive," those watchable every couple of months or so (see below starred *** area for a list......and some of the "near-Addictive" as well). For some movies, I'll share a review with you, as follows. Thanks for sticking with me so far.))
I'll admit that on first watching I was mightily disappointed, particularly in view of what I consider C. Jay Cox's much better, gay-related work, "Latter Days (Unrated Edition)." However, repeat viewings of "Bride" have resulted in my initial impression taking on a somewhat more positive spin, as you may gather from other of my comments, below. In this work it seems the director and writer are trying to, make that that sexual preference (if not also orientation), is not just a black or white, a yes or no thing; rather it's a continuum and can change over time. Still, even if you consider that theme to be well handled, in no way does this production come close to achieving/maintaining the high interest levels being attained by that other recent gay film, "Shelter," directed by newcomer Jonah Markowitz.}
If by now you're wondering, this movie......if it's a "seriocomedy." It is NOT a gay romance (although at an earlier, teenage time in our two male leads' lives, there might have been the beginning spark of romance). No, come to think of it, even then it was more likely to have been just youthful lust. So, with that out of the way, you might ask how this production works as a semi-serious comedy. On this, all I can say is that in such a genre, comic timing is everything, and I suspect that comedy performance has not been in the background of either of our male leads (but older, supporting cast members Tess Harper and Robert Foxworth keep the chuckles coming fairly reliably). Karner / O'Shea almost get it on the button at times.......but a successful comedy needs more than "almost" when it comes to timing. Still, what Philipp Karner (Matt) does do well is deliver sincerity---and you're going to like him for that. And then there's James O'Shea (Ryan), who effectively gives us a "confused sweetness"---you'll fall for that as well. Oh, yes, and he also "puts out" for us in the form of a good looking face and an excellent body (and er, ahem, that includes a great ass and a nice package---more than enough there to have shared with a Karner, who could stand a "boost" in those departments). As for Spelling, I'm not a "Tori-fan," but she does come across as miles better here than she was in another gay film, "Trick."
Along with secondary character actress Amber Benson, we also have Steve Sandvoss, and both are "carryovers" from "Latter Days." Sandvoss' character and a "buddy," played by Michael Medico, are given fairly frightful parts in the opinion of this viewer. Even so, it's too bad that whoever put together/approved the Cast List for the film's Closing Credits didn't know enough to realize they'd gotten these two player's character names reversed (that must make one feel good as an actor).
One last point, for those of you who might keep up with such things: Karner does get from O'Shea a lot better lip-locks (both in quality and number) than does Spelling. How about them apples?
PS--This DVD won't get tossed out in the trash (as some have been)----but it's hardly likely to make it onto this viewer's "Addictive" list*** either. Oh, and we appear to have a couple of Ty Lieberman fans here; which is fine---although they don't appear to have reviewed anyone else's films at this site.
***Other films which are habit formers: "Just a Question of Love" / "Brokeback Mountain" / "Boy Culture" / "All Over the Guy" / "Second Skin (Unrated Version)" / "The Man I Love" / "The Man of My Life" (perhaps for older, gay-thinking viewers) / "OH HAPPY DAY (DVD MOVIE)" (do youselves a big favor and see this one) / "Fashion Victims" (only on Region 2 disc so far---try Amazon.comUnitedKingdom).