"Meet Kipper?, a lovable dog with a big imagination!" Nothing Ever Happens: Kipper is excited to discover a magician?s top hat. But when he overlooks a magic wand, he misses out on the magic it can bring to a boring day. T... more »iger?s Torch: What better place to shine Tiger?s new torch than on a camp-out! Can Kipper us the torch to find what appears to be a monster lurking in the dark? Pig?s Shop: Kipper and Tiger visit Pig?s sweet shop but have not money. Pig offers to trade his candies for their conkers, but it Tiger?s champion conker real? Cousins: Who?s eating Kipper out of house and home? It?s Mouse?s cousins who have overstayed their welcome! Will they ever leave? Approx. Run Time: 80 minutes (including bonus features)« less
"A collection of six short stories, none of which are on previous DVDs.
1. Nothing Ever Happens
Kipper is thoroughly bored, and begins entertaining himself (dangerously in my honest opinion) playing on the stairs and stacking toys and chairs to climb up to the attic. He finds a top hat, but doesn't notice the accompanying magic wand. Going out to play in the rain with Tiger, he misses out on what could have been a fun day.
This one is pretty boring.
2. Tiger's Torch
Tiger shows off his new torch, and he and Kipper decide to go camping in the woods. Tiger proves to be a first class scaredy cat, but the camp fire scary story begins wonderfully. "Deep in the middle of the dark, dark woods, there lived a horrible, horrendous, terrible, tremendous...."
Best story in this DVD.
3. Pig's Shop
Pig gives the phrase "free tasting" a whole new meaning at his sweet stall. Not having any money, Kipper and Tiger persuade him to accept a barter arrangement.
A nice example of what happens when you eat too many sweets.
4. Cousins
Mouse, a new speaking character, moves in with Kipper and soon his cousins show up uninvited to wreck Kipper's house
With its annoying new characters without redeeming features, this one drags on far too long.
5. The Key
More mice, this time one mechanical and one real. Fun with a clockwork mouse.
This one is okay, despite the annoying mouse.
6. The Missing Tape Mystery
It's Arnold's birthday, and he gets a cassette player from Pig. Unfortunately, the music cassette can't be found, until Detective Tiger takes over. Before you can say "flashback" the mystery is solved.
Second best story on the DVD, but a little long.
This one may not hold the attention of younger children for very long, but at least has some new concepts and characters. Three and one half stars.
Amanda Richards, April 28, 2005
Kipper is this Family's Favorite
Charmed Life | NJ | 12/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD has been in our collection for a year now. My son still loves it.
Kipper is a British dog and has two other dog friends, two pig friends, and an occasional mouse makes an appearance. The characters interact with each other in a very normal way which young children can relate to. The characters have their personality flaws, their moods, and difficult moments. They make mistakes and sometimes learn from them. Sometimes they don't, and make the same mistakes again. I think this is a big appeal of the series for so many children, it reassures them that no one is good and perfect all the time.
The DVD is divided into several 5-6 minute episodes, so parents can monitor how much time they want their children to spend watching.
The illustration is simple, beautiful, and not too busy. The dialogue is easy to follow.
This series is great for the 5 and under set. We own almost every DVD in the collection. As a parent I really appreciate that it doesn't overstimulate my kids and that I don't have to hear high-pitched whiny voices from the characters like with some other children's series out there.
Local libraries also have a lot of Kipper books (author Mick Inkpen) and they are just as charming and humorous as the DVDs. We limit our children's viewing time, and it's great to have the books when we don't want them to spend time in front of the TV. The books by themselves are wonderful, in fact this is how we first found out about the Kipper series."
The owl!
PandaMom | Northwest Suburban Chicago | 05/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We've watched this DVD a hundred million times. My toddler is absolutely insane about Tiger's Torch because of the owl. We've watched the owl in forward, reverse, one frame at a time, etc. Then we had to get her a tent and flashlight so she can "take a campout" in the yard whenever she wants just like Kipper and Tiger. She loves the rest of the episodes too. We're Kipper fans in the first place and own almost all of his videos. I personally like the Nothing Ever Happens episode on the Puppy Love disk. I just think it's so cute with a lot of wry/dry humor ("D'ya know Tiger. . . I was thinking, nothing ever REALLY happens. Not REALLY. D'ya know what I mean?" LOL!). Pig's Shop is hysterical when he offers "Free samples" . . . but not really (you'll have to watch to see what I mean!) - and then Pig gets his just desserts in the end! My husband likes to imitate Pig from that episode whenever he picks up our baby to give her a cuddle ("First, we have the Sugar Heart. . ."). One thing I can do without is the Mouse episodes though. For some reason I just find that mouse annoying (but tolerable)."
Not the best Kipper!
3 Little Meerkats | Far, far away | 10/03/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"We have several Kipper's but this one just doesnt hold my littlies interest like some of the others (Pools, parks and picnics, Cuddly critters etc). Even to me as an adult, it seems to drag a little and I havent watched it all the way through.
Also there is a part where Kipper and friend are in a tent and think there is a monster outside, it doesnt bother my 2 yr old but my older child thought it was a little creepy.
My advice - choose first from one of the other delightful Kippers."
Absolutely a wonderful series!!!!
Kelly | Kansas City,MO | 05/18/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My little girl is limited on the amount and selection of tv that she watches. But, we started watching Kipper when she was not quite 2 and she and the whole family fell in love. What a wonderful series of cartoons. They are so soft in nature but entertaining and sweet. I can leave the room and NEVER worry about the content being crude, scary or violent. One of the very few that I can say that about. Even Strawberry Shortcake (newer version not from the 80's) I'm cautious with the content. Kudos to the creator of Kipper I wish you would make more!!!! A must for any family"