Action superstar Charles Bronson (Death Wish, Breakheart Pass) is at his two-fisted best in this gritty, action-packed thriller about a cop hellbent on wiping out a vicious child prostitution ring. Lt. Crowe (Bronson) is ... more »a veteran LA vice cop who nearly goes berserk after his young daughter is molested by an unidentified Asian man. As he battles his own racial prejudices and feelings of rage, Crowe is ordered to hunt down a brutal pimp who has kidnapped the daughter of a Japanese businessman. Hindered by police force superiors, Crowe is pushed into a personal war of vengeance, pitting himself against a savage urban empire of drugs and sexual depravity.« less
After the demolishing success of Death Wish, Charles Bronson in his accustomed style of elegant roughness, makes a convincing role as a detective who has to face with a gang who exploits teen girls to prostitution. The script is credible and shows us the dark side of the moon. Bitter and dark humor are intermingled with the expected doses of violence in these usual cases, but the result is satisfactory.
If you realize the last sequence you will understand you agree with Bronson in that sardonic smile. eye for eye.
Paaarrrrrty......Don't Let Your Momma Know!
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 03/04/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is an extremely ugly film. Extremely ugly. I'm surprised that Bronson himself wasn't a little leery about doing this. This film shows us an all too real, filthy business that goes on right under our noses, in many cities throughout the world: Child prostitution. My only gripe with this film is that the problem is there, but the film doesn't seem to have any message or solution, but merely uses child prostitution as new subject matter for a Bronson action flick. This makes the film seem much, much sleazier because the subject matter is treated so cheaply. I mean, I cannot believe the stuff that happens to the young Japanese girl in the film! But all in all I like to view this film in the mindset that I view all Bronson films, and that makes it much more enjoyable. I give this four stars alone for the scene where Bronson makes a pimp swallow his wristwatch, then casually sets fire to his car. I'm not sure if I've ever laughed harder. He does have some great lines too. There's a great scene where he storms in on a porno film being shot and just beats the snot out of everyone. Bronson's about 70 years old here! It's great! Do I recommend? Yes, just know what you're going to see in this. The only solution this movie has to this horrible problem is that you can kill a pimp with a giant claw hanging from a crane."
Funniest 80s Bronson flick ever, and one of his best Cannon
Zach Bibeault | Minneapolis, MN | 06/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There's a trend with Charles Bronson's 80s Cannon flicks: the more that came out, the funnier each one got. The first one, 1982's 'Death Wish II' was a morbid and dark flick that had basically zero humor throughout its sleaze-soaked run time. As sequels 'Death Wish 3' and 'Death Wish 4: The Crackdown' came out, the unintentional humor was hitting all-time highs. For me though, it's 'Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects' that remains the funniest Bronson vehicle of the 80s. Oh, and it's a great action flick in its own right too.
The hilarity comes from a myriad of things: hilarious thugs that Bronson fights, risible dialogue (after walking in on a man about to violate a teen prostitute with a dildo, the man yells "YOU CAN'T COME IN LIKE THAT AND DISTURB SOMEONE'S PRIVACY YOU S.O.B.!" - both the dialogue and the manner of its delivery is hilarious), and many other things such as an editing mistake in a drive-by shooting scene where the same black man is shot and killed THREE TIMES IN A ROW. Bronson throws people through (cardboard) dressers, forces pimps to swallow their watches (then sets their car on fire while they're choking), violates johns with their own sex toys (then wonder if it'll cause him to "lose his pension"), and in one scene, upon busting a hotel porn shoot, fights a guy who does a battle roar and makes the funniest battle face ever before getting owned by Bronson (a screenshot of this is my Amazon profile pic, check it out).
As you can see, the main value in this piece is its ridiculousness, the kind of unintentional awesomeness that is so common in 80s action vehicles. BUT the film stands its own as an action vehicle as well, although the body count is tiny and it's slower at time it's still a take-no-prisoners Bronson flick all the way.
In short, fans of Charles Bronson and 80s action need to check this one out. Though most Bronson fans claim 'Death Wish 3' to be his most unintentionally funny 80s Cannon flick, my pick for that honor is 'Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects." Good stuff."
This is the BEST MOVIE EVER -- We need more Charles Bronsons
_Amazon_Customer | NC, USA | 11/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm sure that the subject disturbs a lot of men whom, well, would rather see it legalized to have relations with kids. But as a victim of child molestation, this movie always gave me a wonderful feeling of peace... justice... the long overdue retribution criminals deserve.
I give it 100 times 100 stars. Society needs more positive messages like the one Charles Bronson sent out to the criminals."
Rising sun: The Archie Bunker Version
Trevor Willsmer | London, England | 01/18/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Offering a killer combo of terrible writing, terrible acting and terrible direction, it's a tossup whether Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects is offensively bad or just hilariously bad. It's almost as if someone ran a competition to make the sleaziest, seediest Cannon film. As if a glance at a cast list including characters like 'Lesbian Pedophile,' 'Perverted Gentleman,' 'Porno Actress' weren't enough, it's your only chance to see Charles Bronson's cop throw a lowlife on a bed and grab a sex toy - but don't worry, it's okay, as the offscreen screams make clear he's only torturing him for information. After all, even if he is a bit overprotective of his nice Catholic daughter, he's a nice Catholic cop who regularly brings local Catholic priest William O'Connell a packed lunch and who believes in poetic justice - or at least ensuring that the bad guys end up in the slammer with the horniest inmates maximum security can provide to give them a taste of their own medicine. But then that's what you get for telling him "Look, I think you're a little bit unstable." Still, when later offered a bribe, he may snarl "I'd like to shove this up your a**, but I don't want to get my hands dirty," he's clearly learned where to draw the line: instead, he just makes him eat a $25,000 watch and sets fire to his Cadillac. The anal obsession even follows through to the film's title: despite the poster featuring a naked Japanese girl on a porn film set, the film's only direct example of Kinjite/forbidden subjects, as Alex Hyde White's English teacher explains to a group of Japanese businessmen, is, er talking about your bowel movements in polite society.
Bronson isn't just too old for this, as the opening fight makes only too clear, he's too old for love interest Peggy Lipton, and she looks old enough to have grown-up kids. A better actor than he ever got the credit for when given the right material, here's he's given less a properly thought out character than a series of outrageous reactionary quirks. When he's not widening the circles of suspects he's accidentally dropping them to their death off the sides of buildings. He's definitely not a P.C. copper, with a special loathing for the Japanese - as if it wasn't bad enough that they're buying up American businesses, what's worse, they double-park on a public thoroughfare! No racial minority goes unassaulted, be they black pimp or Pakistani hotel clerk, no cop cliché unrecycled, be it a boss who bangs his fist on the table or a dead meat partner (Perry Lopez and his spectacularly bad hair dye that's so prominent it deserves screen billing all its own). The twin plot strands - Bronson's L.A. cop trying to take down Juan Hernandez's pimp who deals in underage girls and James Pax's porn-obsessed Japanese businessman - take forever to intertwine, and then in the most unlikely of ways: after copping a feel of Bronson's daughter on a bus ("Some Oriental guy touched my holy of holies!"), in the film's idea of poetic justice Pax finds his own daughter kidnapped by Hernandez. You half expect the writer to pop his head round the corner of the screen and say, "How d'ya like them apples?"
Somewhere underneath all the laziness is the germ of a good idea even if it is too muddily developed to ever be clear quite what that idea really is, but the execution is pure Rising Sun: the Archie Bunker Version, shot like out-takes from an R-rated 80s music video with an outrageous and rather lazy dockside shoot-'em-up-and-blow'em-up finale that sees a small army of machine-gunning sidekicks suddenly appear to up the gratuitous body count. The last of Bronson's mostly bad to indifferent collaborations with J. Lee Thompson - and sadly Thompson's last film as director - it's a poor signoff for two undervalued players who increasingly never seemed to be that discerning about what pictures they said yes to.
An indifferent transfer with only a brief trailer as an extra."