Saps of South Beach
hawthorne wood | santa fe, new mexico | 11/28/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is on my "worst videos of all time" list. Jason Gedrick should be arrested for homicidal Botox. He's supposed to be a hothead who starts fights at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, he has only one expression: a plastic sneer, and is far too groomed and tanned to be a threat to anyone but the unsuspecting viewers of this lame piece of celluloid. Donny Wahlberg, a good actor, is wasted here. There isn't a lick of sense to the entire thing. I only watched it for laughs. It really is hilariously awful. At one point Donny says to Jason that he didn't see "No one and nothin'." That should have been the title of this film. Still - it's funny as heck. Maybe you should see it, stoned, with like-minded friends. Worst case scenario: you doze off to the tinny, ditzy disco music, hypnotically-gyrating bimbos and Jason Gedrick saying, for the umpteen-millionth time, "You goin' soft on me, Andy?" Or maybe that was just a million other bad actors in a million other bad so-called gangster movies saying the same thing."
Oooooh sooooo baddddd!
Movie Spirit | Antelope, CA United States | 06/02/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this on a video web site and thought it would be better than the reviews. I like Donny Wahlberg, but in this movie, not so good, frankly, he should have dropped the role. Maybe he's having tough times getting good scripts but this one was a real dog.
Frank John Hughes also was lost in this role. They could have gotten anyone to play this dink of police Lt.
Reunion time for Donny Wahalberg and Frank John Hughes after doing super jobs in "Band Of Brothers". Super series. I would love to see more of that type of movie. As for this one, a real snoozer... not worth the price of admission."
Promptly head north
Leo Navarr | Donner Pass, California | 02/25/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Thinking from the cover that this might be an undiscovered gem, I could not wait to check out this film. With Donnie Wahlberg as one of the main actors I thought it might be an up to par crime drama. The film may be based on a true story, but does that mean it will necessarily translate into a good film? By the time it was over, I cared less about the story or the outcome than I did going in.
The letdown was quick and yes, rather painful. First off, the production of this film just seems to be a tad amateur with more emphasis put into street imagery of neon lights and nightclub dance scenes than a progressive, panel by panel story that lays out an interesting plot that allows a viewer to become interested in the first place. The plot is nothing to proclaim an A+ for and the fighting scenes of fist fights and the such are so silly that it makes you wonder if they would have been better off winging it instead of trying to jerkily act out the choreographed brawls.
The music is a tinny, repetitive beat that tries to give the viewer a feel of some mystical and dark underground nightlife, but this music is what really drives the final nail in the coffin. This film feels like some B-grade action flick that was originally meant for Steven Segal in like, 1989. Even then, I think Segal's films had a little bit of substance...with this film it is just a flat, nauseating attempt at filmmaking altogether. The hero vs. villain factor is weak, and with a Camera that seems to want to practice filmmaking by pointing at tires or wine glasses while zooming in now and again, it ends up a slow, cluttered mess.
The story itself could have been done so much better from a production standpoint. I believe in anyone bringing art and substance to a screen with a low budget, but whether "less is more" rings true or not, this film just never allows the viewer to really embrace the storyline or care for the characters that are portrayed. I would recommend films like We Own the Night or The Departed (Widescreen Edition) if you are going to spend the time, or money.
-Leo Navarr-"