...Couldn't top the '49 Bob Warren Penn
Annie Van Auken | Planet Earth | 04/30/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The 2006 version of ALL THE KING'S MEN is a remake (like so many others) that wasn't necessary and does nothing to improve on the earlier film.
I'm partial to Sean Penn but have to reluctantly admit that he's totally miscast here. Penn is over the top from the outset with his evil Willie Stark portrayal. This leaves him nowhere to go but down, and he takes a good cast along on the sinking ship.
For the ultimate cinematic edition of Robert Penn Warren's novel, see the 1949 original with Oscar winner Broderick Crawford. (Note: this movie also won Best Picture honors, and Mercedes McCambridge got the Supporting Actress award.)
Parenthetical number preceding title is a 1 to 10 imdb viewer poll rating.
(6.0) All the King's Men (Germany/USA-2006) - Sean Penn/Jude Law/Anthony Hopkins/Kate Winslet/Mark Ruffalo/Patricia Clarkson/James Gandolfini/Jackie Earle Haley/Kathy Baker/Frederic Forrest"