Why does everybody hate this one so much?
Carrot Top | 08/04/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have read many reviews saying that this movie is really bad. What were they talking about?! I thought this was a great movie. Sure it's a little cheesy, but, I mean, it was made in the 70's! Just give it a chance. I thought it was good, maybe you will too."
How about releasing the complete version?
richard mirissis | staten island,n.y. | 08/15/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"king kong (1976). though not the greatest kong film, still, had some neat things. only, some of the best stuff,especially,destruction scenes in new york, were reedited back into the film,for an early 1980s television release and you won't see this on the dvd that presently is on the market. at almost 3 hours, this rare version kicked ass! the film was that much better with these sequences put back in. if for lack of words,more exciting! too bad, this version was only shown once! and, to make matters worse, will probably never be released on dvd. thank goodness i taped it off television when i did. now, if all the kong fans would write to universal and tell them to release this version,then, we'd be getting somewhere. i'm telling you, this film is 10 times better with the additional footage back in! rick baker really shined in this version as well as the actors. so, cross your fingers that universal comes to their senses and makes this available. we can only hope!!!"
Classic Kong
Micah B. Evans | USA | 08/03/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I remember my dad taking me to see this when I was 9 years old at the time. I also remember King Kong being really popular. Like everything else during that time, it was heavely marketed. I even had a pj's with the classic scene of Kong on the twin towers on them. All in all, it was a good movie, not great. I liked it. The only thing that I hated about the movie was its really sad ending. I could have done without that, but I guess it had to be."