Blu Ray...when to DNR or not to DNR, there lies the problem.
M. Britton | Ft. Worth, Texas | 10/01/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just have to give my say on these reviews of the so-called horrible blu ray transfers. Just to remind people this movie IS about to be eighty years old! Grain is obvious and the detail is lacking, but it is still a beautiful transfer of this masterpiece. DNR would destroy what detail there is. You want to enhance the image and not take away from it. Just can't understand why some films transfer better than others from the same time period. Grain on this release actually gives the film 'atmosphere'. Remember you want it to look like film, not video which is what most blu rays look like: video. We need more transfers like this one that retains the film-like quality over the 'video' look that we get from studios these days.
Anyway, had to give my opinion over this 'controversial' transfer that most people will not like...once again, remember it's film, not video. Enjoy this quality transfer, because it's the best it has ever looked!!"
Blu-ray transfer - Horrible!
P. Reilly | 09/29/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I love the original 1933 version of King Kong, and always will. This review is about the Blu-ray transfer and it's complete lack of quality. The horrible, grainy picture makes this wonderful classic film almost unbearable to watch. Especially if the scene takes place when it is dark or in the fog (when they ship out to the island). If the master copy of this film was not in good condition, then they never should have put this out for the public. I find it hard to believe that someone viewed this before production and said "Yes,it looks fine! Let's put it out there!"
Please remember, some films (especially older classics) for various reasons do not transfer well to Blu-ray. Unfortunately,this is the case with the classic King Kong."
Blu Ray Review
Tate | 10/07/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"King Kong - The world's first blockbuster. An epic for its time, 1933, and still memorable nearly 80 years later. There's no doubt the movie is a classic, but the question is, how does this Blu Ray release fair to past releases and is it worth the upgrade?
Well.. I'm torn. The BD transfer IS good despite some who claim otherwise, you can tell this explicitly during intimate shots (Ex: not in the jungle) and especially during the opening credits, BUT for those seeking a really glossy high definition experience (example: the comparable Casablanca [Blu-ray]) King Kong probably isn't your best bet. If, however, you're looking to have the best possible release King Kong has ever seen, this is it, for better or worse. Considering the film's age and that many scenes were inhibited with misty jungle fog and primitive special effects, I have the feeling that the slightly hazy look of the picture isn't going to go away no matter how advanced film restoration has come along. Let me assure you it's not That bad, though. Some of the reviews are making it to sound like it's unwatchable or messy, and it's really not. If you've seen the movie before you know it's old and shows its age, but I assure you the DVD release is by far less clear than this BD. There may not be a jaw-dropping difference like we see all the time with HD releases, but it is significant.
Overall, I think you know whether or not you should get this. For film fanatics, history buffs, King Kong enthusiasts, this is an easy purchase. Kong is never going to look any younger and for that it's hard to place a price tag. But for the fan with little more than passing interest, eh, you can live without. Worth renting for sure, but $20+ bucks is a little steep, slice of history or not.