Based on Yuchi Kumakura's popular manga character Odorobou Jing, the self-proclaimed King of the Bandits is a sort of pubescent Robin Hood. He wanders from place to place, picking up treasure and nonchalantly aiding peop... more »le in distress. He breaks the bank when he breaks up an illegal gambling ring aboard a ghost ship, and rescues a lovely girl condemned to death for the crime of tardiness in Adonis, a city ruled by the "Demon of Time." When the inevitable fight begins, Jing relies on his lightning-fast moves and the sword blade concealed in the sleeve of his outsized coat. Kir, his parrot-like sidekick, transforms into the formidable monster Kir Royale when bad guys need blasting. The tone remains firmly tongue-in-cheek, with Kir trying to romance every girl in sight. (Rated 13 and older, but suitable for viewers 2-3 years younger: violence, brief nudity) --Charles Solomon« less
"This series is about a boy named Jing who, as the title suggests, is King of Bandits (as in skill, not through election). His only companion is a bird named Kir who can bond with Jing's arm to form a sort of magical cannon for the attack "Kir Royale". This attack is a little repetitive (as it is his only attack), however, it isn't very long and it looks cool. Jing is an interesting character, very calm and laid back. His demeanor is always that of someone who knows exactly what is going on and what to do. It isn't easy to tell if this is true or not.
As far as I can tell, there is no overall plot to this series. It is a bunch of short stories, most only lasting for a single episode (there are 13 episodes in all). While I would have enjoyed an actual story line (Jing is a fun character with lots of mystery surrounding him), I really liked the freedom that short stories gave. I looked forward to each episode, but it wasn't urgent for me to see the next episode because I just NEEDED to see what happened next. All of the stories excluding one were very entertaining and even that one wasn't too bad.
Both the English and the Japanese dubs were good, though I preferred the Japanese version as Jing sounded more like a kid (as he is supposed to be). The English voice just sounded a bit too old for the character.
All in all, I would really recommend this series to anyone. So go see it!"
After watching Episode 1
Takai | Kansas City, MO USA | 03/14/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"So far, not much story has deveolped (but thats expected from just episode one), the only thing learned so far you learn who the main character and his partner are. You also get to witness some of his abilities, that he and his partner share, which looks pretty cool and seems to have a devastating effect on the opposing side.
In episode one you meet Jing and Kir. Jing comes off as the calm, determined type. He of course turns out to be king of the bandits (as the title suggests), and it's easy to see why. He steals a rare stone that another bandit keeps in his mouth, without the guy knowing. All just to prove a point. Kir, is his side-kick albatross. Kir's main point of the show seems to be your comedy relief, as he wisecracks and has a perverted needs to stare at womens chests.
The animation is smooth and has it's 'eye-candy' moments. The story seems to be that of a slow developing but entertaining one none-the less. Think along the lines of One Piece, only not as cheesy (that's not to say One Piece is bad, I like One Piece as well, but I think I like this one more. ).
I hope by reading my review, you come to your own decision. As we all know, everyone has their own tastes and opinions."
One of the best Series I have seen in a long time
RavenRing | 07/25/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"King of Bandits Jing is a new Anime from Yuchi Kumakura's manga. It centers around a young boy named Jing and his friend/partner Kir. Jing is known as the King of Bandits. He can steal anything he wants, but he only goes for things that look good, and are priceless treasures. His past is unknown but he has a strong sense of justice. He also has the looks that make ladies attracted to him. But it's his bird partner Kir who has the eye for the ladies. Jing's adventures including a ghost ship, a town controlled by time, a village of eternal youth, and many other weird and exciting places. Something I love about this series is the music. It rocks. The opening is probably my favorite anime opener. My only complaint about the series is that there is little character development, or any history about the characters or the worlds that exist in this anime. So you just have to go with the flow. Highly reconmended for people who like action, comedy, and sometimes the just plain weird."
Action and... stuff...
Katrina N. Jones | Missouri | 07/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Even from the first episode, you can tell that this series is going to be great. Jing, the cute main character, is proclaimed the King of Bandits, though no one believes it at first because of his young looks and carefree personality. He only cares about one jewel in his collection, the one that has an image of a young woman in it. The first few episodes will hook you if you're looking for something funny and with great detail in the animation. I highly recommend this for anyone!"
Not bad, but the manga's better.
William Gersztyn | Salem,Or | 04/17/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you've read the manga (Like me.) you should have a good idea of what to expect from this series. It's about a teenage boy & his talking bird named Kir (That can shoot out bursts of energy.) as they go from place to place trying to find different treasures to steal. In each of those places they alway encounter some cute or beautiful girl. And though Jing never really seems to be interested in them, Kir is always trying to put the moves on them. Which is where a lot of the humor comes from. Though sometimes it can get annoying.
One other thing that will probably annoy some people is that this series doesn't really have any kind of continuity to it. And as far you can tell none the previous stories ever even happened.And like I said before about the manga, it's no so much about the action, as it is about the intrigue (Even though in the last few episodes there is some really good action.) leading to finding the next treasure, although no as much so as in the manga, because at times things feel more rushed than in the anime. One reviewer complained about the fact that Jing used Kir for everything, and I can kind of agree with him on that because when I first read the manga I felt the same way. Not only that, but the way the first story comes off in the anime it gives you the feel that the rest of the series is going to be like that, because compared to the manga, the first story feels TOTALLY rushed. Because when Jing busts into the place to steal the "Double Mermaid" we see this huge many armed creature, then Jing busts outs the Kir Royale and blows it away and that's it. And having read the manga prior to that it got me pretty angry, because That whole encounter is a lot more drawn out because of complications with Kir.
But after that intial first episode things go pretty well, and you'll actually see Jing use the Kir Royale in some cool ways. And there are only 2 other parts in the whole series that I can really say felt rushed. One thing I noticed right off about the anime was that the animation is excellent.
That and just how AWESOME Jing looks compared to how he does in the anime. In the manga he looks like some just some punk kid, But in the anime Jing looks very slick. Which is good because that's the kind of character Jing is. As far as music goes it's hard to say if I really liked it or not, but I can defintely say that I loved the opening theme. Probably one of my all time favorites.One other thing I want to mention is that this series is only 13 episodes and for some reason not even all the episodes are pulled from the manga. Out of the 13 episodes, 3 of them are only in the anime. And while I thought this was cool, only one of those stories is really any good. If after buying the first DVD you aren't sold on the series, then chances are the 2nd DVD wont change youre mind, though the 2nd DVD does have my favorite story in it. But I'll get more into that in a later review."