It's no "Battle Royale"
James Ryan | 03/02/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"In spite of the praise showered on this film by the reviewer above (who has two reviews posted on Amazon, both for Urban Vision products), this film is not at all the "non-stop blood bath" it purports to be. Kill Devil takes a premise designed for a pure B-movie exploitation flick, and attempts to turn it into a contemplative art movie. The result is a slow-moving disaster and a bore. One star for being a movie. A second star for mild humor value as children die without pain or terror, but long, sad looks of existential angst."
Non-Stop, Who isn't the Killer!
Michael Jones | California | 12/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film is the epitome of today's standard in Japanese horror, featuring a non-stop bloodbath set in the future filled with surprises around every corner. Stranded on an island a group of teenagers are confused as to why they have sent there and are unable to distinguish between friends and foes as everyone in the group is a potential killer. In this story you must kill to stay alive. The film is very comparable to Battle Royale in theme, however it stands on it's own as a sleek and heart pounding thriller. This film will develop a cult following once it catches on. I definitely recommend this film to any horror or Asian film lover. Urban Vision, once known for anime, is definitely on track to establish themselves as a leader in live-action Asian cinema with films like Kill Devil from there new sub-label AsiaVision. Those contacts overseas are definitely paying off for this independent label that continues to distinguish itself as the "David" among the "Goliaths". I hear that they plan to release the Japanese blockbuster "Azumi" this spring, I can't wait to see that one. I am definitely a fan of this new label, AsiaVision, great idea Urban Vision."