"Kibun", a Japanese term meaning "spirit of mind", is the work of jiu-jitsu stylist David Welp and wrestler Pablo Cunningham who work as police officers in Southern California. The techniques on this instructional video ... more »were developed by California Police Officers from their Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/wrestling training and their regular diet of street-harden criminals. This is not a traditional Police training video where Officers retreat to the use of their guns. This video demonstrates various holds and escapes in order for you to understand how to apply or escape from a technique. Don't buy 4 or 5 videos to get the same amount of techniques that are demonstrated in this single video. This video covers techniques from both Jiu-Jitsu and competition wrestling! The techniques on this video are broken down into several categories including:
-Arm locks
-Ankle/Leg locks
-Choke holds
-Wrestling techniques. The instructors in this video have over 50 years of combined experience in martial arts/wrestling. This video contains over 140 techniques. Each technique is carefully explained and demonstrated. This video covers from the basic techniques to the more advance moves used in freestyle fighting.« less