Chuck R. | Washington, DC United States | 08/08/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Khi-Bae" may be too short for some people, but for the rest of us with very busy lives it is easy to find the time for these videos. 'Beginner' is 20 munutes and 'Intermediate' is 25 minutes. Both take you through warm-up, work-out, and cool-down. I have been doing these workouts for 8 months, and I still am not tired of doing them. I still do the 'Beginner' once a week and 'Intermediate' once or twice a week. When I have time, I can do a video twice, or both back to back, or one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Silk Manning is the best. I have many videos and checked out many. Silk Manning is by far the most motivational, and he is easy to follow. The only downside is that he doesn't have many more exercise videos.
The first day after I started doing "Khi-Bae" I felt a new sense of balance, and now I am much leaner and the most stretched out and limber I have ever been.
My neice walked in once when I was doing "Khi-Bae". First she laughed, but when I finished I had to start the video over because she wanted to try. Now she loves Khi-Bae too. She finds it very refreshing.
If you are a busy person - give it a try! You can't beat the price!!
Silk Manning - if you are out there - please make a "Khi-Bae - Advanced"."
Commercial on Silk too long...can't forward on DVD
Chuck R. | 12/16/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The workout part is good when you FINALLY get to it. You have to sit through the posing of Silk Manning in what seems to be forever and the DVD isn't programmed to advance to the start of the workout. When you start a workout, it goes immediately to the "how-to" part and you can't do anything but watch it everytime. So, you have to fool with seeing unuseable stuff for 10-15 minutes before you can begin exercising....and this is on the DVD."
It will due
D. Salazar | 01/21/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although some of the moves are Tae-bo like, the tape has distinctive combos and moves. The workouts are a little too brief for me (the intermediate workout is only a half hour long but has the intesity of a Tae-bo basic workout). I felt the workout and use it inbetween Tae-bo and my kickboxing classes. Just don't pay any attention to the blond girl behind Silk or you'll bust a gut! Overall it is a good tape for someone who finds Tae-bo too difficult or just wants to mix up their kickboxing routine. Also, I wish there were more DVD features or "extras" on the DVD."
Great Beginner Video
D. Salazar | New York, NY | 12/26/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great dvd for beginners. Silk takes the time to explain the moves and keeps you motivated. If you're deciding between this and Tae Bo and you are a beginner, get this one first.
There are only 2 minor complaints.
1. The introduction you have to sit through of Silk Manning showing off his kickboxing moves is a bit corny. He's a model so I guess he couldn't help the urge to grab the spotlight for a minute.
2. Once you start getting comfortable with the intermediate level you begin to wish it was longer. Again, if you're a beginner the length of the workout is perfect, but once you move into intermediate you want more. Thats when I'd recommend you move to Tae Bo."