Joanna Going -- WOW!
Bobby R. Treat | Round Rock, TX United States | 01/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's offensive that Cameron Diaz is on the cover of this thing, when her mediocre part is over just about as soon as the credits.Joanna Going gave her all, meanwhile, and isn't mentioned on the box at all. I bought the DVD to see her, and every red-blooded male out there bought it for the same reason. Who are they kidding with this Cameron Diaz jazz? It's a taut mystery story, too, with real characters in an unreal situation. I loved it."
Cool little film; lousy DVD release!
gonn1000 | 03/07/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I could hold forth on the relative merits of this DVD's entertainment value--you get to see some weird incarnations of various prominent actors, James Spader looking particularly weird; not that many flicks set in Oklahoma these days; Joanna Going carried the film, etc. etc.--but instead I think I'll criticize the DVD itself. First off, it has exactly ONE "special feature" (production stills, at that!). Furthermore, not only does this disc lack the extended cut (missing 3 minutes, this is just the R-rated version), it is also, most pathetically of all, full-frame only. Come on! This is a 2002 release of a **1997** film, and somehow they couldn't manage a widescreen edition. Has the distributor already been repossessed or something? It's DVDs like this that make me doubt for the future of the medium. Get with the program, Artisan!"
Who Wants To Be Quentin Tarantino?
gonn1000 | Portugal | 02/03/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is another movie that seemed to suffer of the "Pulp Fiction" effect, as it pretty much relies on attitude, cool badass characters, stylish cinematography and edgy music to give mood. The story, however, isn`t that great, turning into an average betrayal plot that doesn`t bring nothing new or too memorable, and is a bit too slow. Some good moments still occur, though, and the acting is alright, with talents like Eric Stoltz, James Spader, Mary Tyler Moore and even a then unnoticed Cameron Diaz. So, "Keys To Tulsa" is a decent indie movie that`s neither too surprising nor too disappointing, another one to watch at a rainy night."