Canada's odd couple of competition - best friends pitted in battle - glory for the winner and humiliation for the loser. Roommates and filmmakers Kenny and Spenny (Hotz and Rice respectively) have torqued up the old playg... more »round challenge to a whole new level of humiliation and degradation. From the physical (Who can lose the most weight?) to the psychiatric (Who is the sanest?) to the psychotic (Who can sit on a cow the longest?), Kenny vs Spenny turn the tables, cameras and just about everything else upside down in twenty-four no holds barred bouts of hilarity in the most unique offering in the "reality competition" genre. Kenny is the self proclaimed 'devious genius,' a schemer and a cheater - "I'm like the tormenting brother he never had and probably didn't want." Spenny is neurotic, stressed-out, ethical and by-the-book - "Winning one by playing fair is more satisfying than winning a thousand times by cheating." And so the battle of GOOD vs EVIL rages on!« less
"Is 'Kenny Vs. Spenny' the greatest television show in the history of television? Probably. Is Kenny Hotz one of the most interesting people in the world? Yep. Does Spencer Rice deserve the constant humiliation he is subject to? Absolutely.
The show's concept is basically this: two Canadian best friends challenge each other to various competitions. The winner of said competition gets to humilate the other. Its a fairly simple premise that allows the two friends to try and outdo one another in anyway they can think of. First, we have Kenny Hotz: deviant mastermind who loves video games, not bathing, and going to any lengths to destroy his best friend, Spenny. Secondly, we have Spencer 'Spenny' Rice: a neurotic, by-the-book goon who deserves to lose. And lose he does.
While all 24 episodes are hysterical, some of the highlights of season one are: 'Who Can Gain The Most Weight?', 'Who Is The Better Boxer?', 'Who Is Saner?', and 'Who Can Live In A Van The Longest?'.
This set contains 24 episdoes of the first season of the show. Watch as Kenny humiliates will love it. Guaranteed. 'Kenny Vs. Spenny' is probably the funniest television show in the history of the world."
Funniest reality show ever!
F. Rodriguez | USA | 09/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The competitions are silly, the humiliations are hilarious (and often brutal), and the strategies employed to win border on criminal. Kenny Hotz is a brilliant, ruthless, unscrupulous competitor. Spenny is the honest guy that believes in hard work and perseverence. The clash of personalities is yet another element that adds to the hilarity. I have never been so entertained by a reality show. This is a must see and must own. Can't wait for season 2 to come out on DVD!!!"
Wicked Awesome!
J. Dunlop | Allegan, MI | 09/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I got a sneak peek of this DVD and it is hilarious!!! "Who can gain the most weight in a week" is one of my favorites! These two crack me up - between Kenny's sabotage/pranks and Spenny's germophobia (see who can sit on a cow the longest) it's one gut busting laugh after another. Funniest show to ever come out of Canada! I love Kenny vs. Spenny!!!"
The funniest thing in ages!
C. Gooner | London, England | 10/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We got this series in the UK last year, We had previously had an English version so I was unsure whether to bother watching this "Rip off". It was only when I saw the first one that I realised how much better Kenny Vs Spenny was than our one, I only later found out that this was the original.
I have never once been disappointed by a single episode and am firmly in the Kenny camp of winning at all costs.
Highlights for me are the Blindfold episode, the Putting on a live show, the Looking after a baby and the one where they date the same women. Absolute legends and great to hear they have just started to air the new series over there, hopefully we'll get it soon. Buy this DVD and enjoy.
Couldn't help but love it
D. R. Barton | Sydney, Australia | 11/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Usually I consider this kind of humour below me, but I couldn't help but be addicted to Kenny Vs Spenny. Initially I was irritated by Kenny's cheat at all cost tactics against Spenny's desire to play by the rules. Later I attitude changed so I was glad to see Kenny's ingenious initiative being rewarded against that willing-victim cry-baby Spenny. I'd recommend to anyone"