Good DVD!
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is an awesome DVD! Every Kelly fan should own one. It has great footage like Soundcheck, an interview, a video and of course, the concert. I really like her cover of "Sunglasses at Night", much better than Corey Hart's. The only slight problem with this is DVD is the video quality, like on the video for "Changes", its widescreen, when it's suppsosed to be full screen, so it looks stretched. But besides that, the concert was great and Kelly rocks. She has her own thoughts and opinions and doesnt care what anybody says or thinks of her, as the 16 min. interview proves. Buy this DVD if your even the least bit of a Kelly fan, you will enjoy it and will get you into her even more and show you how cool of a person she is. Ignore the f'ed up, ignorant things alexis_whatever said, im not going to say anything because it's stupid. BUY THIS DVD!!"