Keith Carradine and Annette O'Toole star in this powerful family drama adapted from the best-selling novel "The Sign Of The Beaver" by Elizabeth George Speare that's become required reading in schools throughout the countr... more »y. "Keeping The Promise" begins as the hopeful tale of a colonial family seeking a new and promising life in the deep wilderness of Maine in 1768. But their hopes, dreams, and very survival as a family are severely tested when the father reluctantly leaves his 13-year-old son, Matt, alone in the wilderness to protect their claim until he can return with the rest of the family and their belongings. Weeks of waiting turn into months, and months into seasons, as his family struggles against a deadly epidemic and other hardships in their journey to rejoin their boy. Young Matt's ability to survive his lonely and dangerous vigil becomes more questionable with each passing day...until he's befriended by a band of Penobscot Indians. The experience transforms Matt as his Indian benefactors teach him life's most important lessons about survival, trust, loyalty and hope. First seen on the CBS Television Network as a Clorox Diamond Presentation. Extra Features: Elizabeth George Speare: Biography of the Author; Frontier Maine: Historical Background; Thoughts to Be Shared With Family & Friends; Previews of Additional Questar Family Classic Films.« less
"This is a moving story, well produced and enhanced with DVD capabilities. "The DVD feedback option is wonderful for promoting discussion." "The ease of going from scene to scene was a great benefit." Good historical information and author's biography. The kids liked the adventure story. DVD features easy to operate for most. "I liked the way we could go back to different sections, like when they were shooting arrows." "It showed a lot about hunting and building a cabin." "Matt got along with the Indians." Best for ages 8 to 12."
A good family movie
M. West | Highland, MI | 07/01/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Keeping the Promise is a movie based on the children's novel, Sign of the Beaver, by Elizabeth George Speare. I'm a teacher, so I have my students read the book, then we watch the movie and compare the two. It is a good family movie with a positive message. My students enjoy watching it every year!"
A good movie, but it doesn't really follow the book
hsmom3 | 10/18/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While this movie barely resembles the book, "The Sign of the Beaver" (they changed many things) it is still a very good family movie. My 11 year old son and I enjoyed watching it, but there were a couple of scenes my 6 1/2 year old daughter found a little upsetting (especially when a horse had to be put is not at all graphic, but my daughter tends to be very sensitive about animals). All in all, it's a great story about family, friendship, and honor. I recommend this movie."
I'll Be Waiting, Pa
Erik Ferenz | Langley, WA USA | 07/24/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Terrific family entertainment and certain to please younger viewers as they relate to the child protagonist, 13-year-old Matt. The young settler has agreed to protect the homestead while awaiting the return of his family but, due to unforseen delays, his short wait turns to months. With assistance from the Penobscot Indians the boy learns the necessary skills to survive and must make the difficult decision whether to continue waiting for his family or depart with the natives as the Maine winter approaches..."
Dawn Paperin | LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK | 04/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this movie after my son had read the book it was based on "Sign of the Beaver" for his English class. It did have some differences but was very good. I would reccommend this as a nice family movie to watch."