So Bad it's Hilarious
Thomas | Eureka, CA United States | 07/07/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I first rented this movie thinking it was some serious film reminiscent of Lord of The Rings. My suspicions turned out to be correct, but not in the way I thought they would be.The film begins with a scene similar to some PBS style filming. This cheap filming continues throughout the ENTIRE movie. This movie is so phony that it's absolutely laughable they they could take themselves serious in making this movie.I laughed so hard at making fun of the bad acting, poor special effects, poor filming, cheap scenery goes on and on. Everything is so cliche, so contrived. The lines are trite, the storyline is trite and the special effects mimic this "cheesiness" perfectly. This movie is so bad it makes it good.After I finished my 90 minute laugh-a-thon I looked at the special featurse and found previews of White Wolves 1, 2, and 3. After watching each preview it was obvious they had used many of the same film clips in all three previews. The storyline was a copy in each one. It was absolutely hilarious that anyone could take this seriously.An excellent bad film."
We rented it
Thomas | 06/20/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I would NEVER buy this movie...nor let my kids buy it...but I did make the lesser mistake of letting them rent it. Yet, it did provide some amazed-at-the-cheesiness laughs, and we have wasted our time on worse. But on the other hand, why not spend time watching much better. Learn from our four dollar mistake...."