"New" yoga? Not really. The asanas (poses) in this 55-minute routine are essentially variations on the ones that have been around for millennia. But Kathy Smith and cocreator Rod Stryker for the most part avoid the pitfall... more »s of many yoga videos, which tend to undervalue proper instruction in favor of displaying beautiful bodies in the kind of impossible positions usually seen at the Cirque du Soleil. Split into two sections--the first one concentrates on sun salutes (a series of poses to generate heat and build strength and balance) and various standing poses; the second, shorter one is devoted to sitting and prone asanas--New Yoga offers clear, concise instruction, emphasizing the use of the breath and proper form and alignment (although Smith fails to mention why the latter is important; it's to facilitate the flow of the breath and blood throughout the body). Some of the routine is quite demanding, but experienced yoga people will have few problems and newcomers should catch on quickly. Plenty of alternative and modified poses are offered to accommodate both intermediate and beginning levels. --Sam Graham« less
"Another great Kathy Smith tape! I am not an absolute beginner, but I am still very new to yoga and I thought this tape offered great instruction, along with more variety in the poses than other tapes I've seen.After doing this tape only 3 times, I can see the difference in my flexibility and all the muscle soreness from other exercise has disappeared! The "beginner" in her video is always clearly visible, so you can always see the modifications to more difficult poses. This means you never feel frustrated that you can't duplicate Kathy's ultra-flexible moves, and that helped motivate me to keep with it.All in all, I think this is a great intro to the benefits of yoga and I highly recommend it."
I have never felt more relaxed and peaceful!
EarKandyKollectibles | US | 12/22/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After exhausting many other relaxation efforts, I bought this video on a fluke. My daily life is extremely busy and stressful. By the end of my average day, my muscles and joints are sore, and very stiff. My head is full of worry and I generally feel lousy. However, that's all changed now. After only a few attempts at "Kathy Smith's New Yoga" program, I felt tremendous stress relief. I found myself breathing deeper, more fully, and with sound ryhthm. My muscles are growing more limber and I feel more at ease in my mind. Yoga does clear out the clutter in your head and body, using a series of deep breathing techniques combined with stretching and standing poses. It may seem challenging at first, but each and every time you complete the program you will find your muscles growing more limber and your breathing more relaxed and controlled. I recommend "Kathy Smith's New Yoga" for both the beginner (like myself) or someone more experienced. The tape flows very smoothly and is broken into two parts, so beginners are not overwhelmed. There are people showing both beginner and intermediate poses throughout the video, which cuts down on injury potential. Excellent video, you'll get your money's worth with this one!"
The best Video you can own for beginner and intermediate!
EarKandyKollectibles | 11/06/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have done this yoga tape over and over and over again since I bought it in '95. The Ali Magraw video is badly put together, but great to watch, the yoga am/pm videos are way, way, way too easy, but this video by Kathy is the very best one I've ever seen. The jane fonda yoga puts you to sleep. Great job in this one, Kathy! Hope you do more yoga videos! This one is tops!"
The one to have if you're having only one
EarKandyKollectibles | 03/04/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a yoga tape junkie (I probably have 12 now), a do-it-yourselfer who has managed to build a rewarding practice with informed at-home study. This was the tape that started it all, and is still one of the best. It's a melting-pot of styles, with just the right level of instruction for beginners who catch on quick. It's also a great full-body workout, with a nice balance of vinyasa and standing poses, foward and backward bending, action and relaxation. Plus, Kathy's a rare bird for a work-out queen-she's motivating in both appearance and presentation without being too perky (a la Denise Austin). And though she's known better as an aerobic instructor, she clearly knows her stuff-which shows in both her verbal cues and perfect postures. Get this one and Ally McGraw's tape, and you're set."
A great video for beginners
Rachel Webb | Columbia, Mo | 01/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video is great for beginners and intermediates. The poses are designed for novices to learn, and later alter when they reach the next level. Good explanations are given and, as always, Kathy Smith puts the viewer's safety first."