A ""Universal " Ripoff
B. D. Giroux | Baltimore MD | 04/14/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is not a review of the series but a critical coment on Universal's marketing procedures that should be protested. Besides Kate & Allie-Wings and That Girl are being released this spring. The latter two like Kate & Allie were short first seasons-However Sony and Paramount are releasing both seasons 1 and 2 for only 7 dollars more than Universal is charging for 6 episodes of Kate and Allie. Why didn't Universal do the logical thing like the other 2 studios and release seasons 1 and 2. Greed? No respect for the consumers? Shame on Universal Studios!!"
SIBIE | 05/04/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Before you buy this, go to Amazon.ca and get the Canadian one, which has now released up to SEASON 4! The first set contains BOTH season one AND two, unlike the shameful American version which only contains six episodes of the first season, and at the price of 22 episodes!
Amazon.ca is releasing the final season of 'Kate and Allie' this month (August 2009)!"
Seasons one and two available for less
S. Wilsie | Minneapolis | 06/15/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you like this show, you can order seasons 1 AND 2 from amazon.ca for about the same price counting curency conversion and shipping. I just got all 28 season one and two episodes delivered from them. This 6 episode set here is a complete rip-off.
The only I give the item 1 star is value, the show is 5 stars all the way."
Wait a month and get the real deal
Mr. Ben | NY, NY | 05/02/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Just noticed that the Canadian release of Kate and Allie will feature the complete first and SECOND seasons at a fraction of the price - preorder $25.00 Canadian dollars (about $20 US) on the Canadian website! Hold off a month and go for this package of 28 episodes (plus bonuses) out on June 6th."