Jurassic Park — Steven Spielberg's 1993 mega-hit rivals Jaws as the most intense and frightening film he'd ever made prior to Schindler's List, but it was also among his weakest stories. Based on Michael Crichton's novel ab... more »out an island amusement park populated by cloned dinosaurs, the film works best as a thrill ride with none of the interesting human dynamics of Spielberg's Jaws. That lapse proves unfortunate, but there's no shortage of raw terror as a rampaging T. rex and nasty raptors try to make fast food out of the cast. The effects are still astonishing (despite the fact that the computer-generated technology has since been improved upon) and at times primeval, such as the sight of a herd of whatever-they-are scampering through a valley. --Tom Keogh The Lost World: Jurassic Park
After the global phenomenon that was Jurassic Park, it was a given that novelist Michael Crichton would conjure up a sequel and that Steven Spielberg would then commit it to film. Considering the potential profit involved, it was practically a commercial mandate. Perhaps it was inevitable that both efforts were contrived, and well below the talents of Crichton (well, maybe) and certainly Spielberg, who just didn't have the heart for this recycling after the artistic triumph of Schindler's List. What we're left with, for better and worse, is a redundant blockbuster that still benefits from Spielberg's mastery of high-intensity action sequences and the further development of amazing computer-generated special effects. What's missing is the awe and wonder that made Jurassic Park a technical marvel and a dazzling product of scientific imagination. The story's a no-brainer: after the deadly fiasco of the original dinosaur theme park, we're taken (along with returning star Jeff Goldblum) to a second island where genetically engineered dinosaurs still thrive under the watchful eye of Goldblum's biologist girlfriend (Julianne Moore). But a devious capitalist (Arliss Howard) is determined to export dinosaurs to a new park in San Diego, financing a hunt-and-capture expedition that results in another series of fatal disasters. In Spielberg's hands this movie's more exciting than it has a right to be, given the creative paucity of Crichton's novel and David Koepp's adapted screenplay. The special effects are state-of-the-art, and the T. rex's rampage through the streets of San Diego is nothing short of spectacular; but apparently an improvement upon the shortcomings of Jurassic Park was too much to hope for. --Jeff Shannon« less
5/5 Rating - Jurassic Park - Classic Spielberg with ahead of it's time special effects and a small amount of CGI. An all star cast of characters that make this movie great. A must for Dino, Jurassic and Sci-Fi fans!
4/5 Rating - The Lost World, Jurassic Park - Solid follow-up with many of the same actors from the first. A must watch if you are a Jurassic fan!
Movie Reviews
For pure DVD quality--this is actually pretty good
Jeff Edwards | Twin Falls, Idaho | 01/30/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have been a fan of Jurassic Park since before the movie came out and I had read the novel and was literally blown away by how creative and thrilling it was, and when I heard that Spielberg was at the helm of the movie, I had the feeling it was going to raise the bar of special effects to another level entirely--even if it never did capture the true 'essence' of the novel. High marks go to the absolutely stunning effects which literally resurrected extinct animals and made them look 100% REAL. The movie suffers from minor characterization development--but we all know the REAL stars of the film were the dinosaurs themselves. While Spielberg had creative license with the story and totally altered the ending (as well as many other scenes of the novel) I forgave him because it was such an amazing piece of visual filmmaking.Then we move to the sequel, 'The Lost World'. I found the the novel to be quite entertaining and it actually kept the 'feel' of the original 'Jurassic Park' while keeping the storyline fresh as well--not an easy task. It was a virtual certainty that they would turn it into a movie, but I was really hoping that they would keep true to the novel--but unfortunately it was altered a hundred TIMES MORE than the original 'Jurassic Park' had been. So much so that it became almost a cartoonish joke of the original movie. In fact several of the scenes in 'The Lost World' came from the original 'Jurassic Park' novel (the opening scene and the T-Rex sticking its head through the waterfall). As I watched the movie I kept telling myself that it'll redeem itself here pretty soon...only to be disappointed in the ludicrous ending in San Diego with the T-Rex running amok through city streets. Sure it had potential, but had they actually kept to the original novel, it would have been so much more entertaining and more intelligent. I MUST admit though that the scene with Julianne Moore falling in the trailer onto the glass and trying to climb up before the glass fractures too much really HAS to be one of the most hair-raising moments ever caught on film.With all that said, the transfer of these films to the DVD format is exceptional--for the most part. The extra deleted scenes are almost worth the purchase price alone, but its a combination of ALL the extra's that make this particular package a great buy. For those of you with a theater viewing system, you will be the folks who benefit the most, because the sound is absolutely amazing--easily one of the best on DVD that I have heard. So to sum it all up quickly: GREAT effects, so-so plot and virtually NO character development (especially in 'The Lost World') but a guilty pleasure all the same."
One good movie, One so-so movie, and a sprinkle of extras
Chris Beaumont | 11/23/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"First off, I bought this for the movies and included extras. It is an average purchase for collectors and fans. It is only partially what the studio ads say it is. This "Limited Collectors Edition Box Set" (LCEBS) sounds good, and that's all. Most of the extras that are pictured on the back of these DVD's do not actually appear on your TV. The laserdisc boxed set of Jurassic Park was THX certified, not this DVD set, and no DTS option either. (DTS editions are sold separate from the LCEBS.) Other reviews of this set mention how poor this set is. I would compare this set to a software product, "Not what we promise, but the mininum we can get away with." If you go to the web site, they have some of these "missing extras". For me, all materials in a LCEBS should be included on the DVDs and NO superfluous web links. In ten years, that web site won't even be running, but the DVD will. I hope this is the last boxed set that Universal does this to. I am unable think of better ways to kill interest in premium Universal DVD sets. This one sets a new low in boxed set standards."
Spielberg Does it Again!
Chris Beaumont | Troy, MI | 10/12/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Seven years ago, people were amazed by a movie whose stunning effects set a precedent for all future movies. Now, we have yet another chance to experience the magic of "Jurrasic Park," with its release on DVD. Let me tell you now, the transfer is beautiful. The standard universal intro (the one with the globe) is shown this time with the sounds of a jungle in the background to set the mood. The music from the first appearance of dinosaurs sent chills down my spine. The rest of the movie is the same one we know and love, except this time remastered in a 5.1 audio track. The sound is amazingly dynamic, which puts you even further into the action. The extras feature a unique "making of" featurette hosted by James Earl Jones that looks at other movies that inspired Jurassic Park. Other extras include production notes, storyboards, and the trailers from Jurassic Park, the Lost World, and Jurassic Park III. The Lost World utilizes the same amazing sound, but sufferes from a weak storyline. Nevertheless, the set as a whole is well worth the money, and for those of you who loved this movie in theaters, Jurassic Park is a DVD that must be in your collection."
No false advertising
Jeff Edwards | 03/28/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"To the reviewer who said it's "false advertising" and that the DVDs don't have the movie trailers, here's how to find them: on the main menu, select "bonus features". The list of bonus features that comes up doesn't list the trailers, but if you'll look at the bottom of the list, you'll see a red arrow pointing to the right, indicating that there's another list of more features. Click on the arrow, and you'll find the option to view the trailers for all 3 Jurassic Park movies."
DTS cannot be beat.
J. lopez | Buffaloro | 05/02/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It's been 7 months now since this boxset has been released,and still no DTS version?I said i would hold out until there was one,and i'm still waiting.I don't want to buy 2 seperate discs,i want the whole deal.This is the sound standard that Spielberg helped invent(was first used in Jurassic Park),and it's far superior than DD5.1.The sound channels are seperated more effectively,the dialogue is clearer,the overall audio is much more powerful,and the bass is more subtle.I came to this realization by testing both versions at the same volume,and there was an signifigant difference with both films with regards to the audio.Of course the image quality is immaculate,but that should be a given.So once again MR.Spielberg if you can find some spare time in your busy schedule,i ask you to release a boxset with DTS audio,and i'll fork over my semi-hardearned duckets.Thank You,and God Save The Queen.Oh yeah,if you haven't already figured it out,i think both films are great(i lean more towards Lost World),and they are definite purchases.The Raptor screams are still chilling."