What speculative fiction on video should be
Mike Meyer | Herndon, VA | 09/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This series produced more pleasant memories than all but one speculative fiction video show has in the last decade. It seems that all the others have some "super secret" component: either the heroes have super powers, or super technology, or some super foe to face down - or two or even all three - and they have to keep the public from knowing about them. While this may make the stories more interesting, it makes the characters hard to identify with.
The characters on Jupiter Moon, on the other hand, are for the most part the kind of people you can find hanging out on any college campus: students, both under and post graduate, professors, research staff, and the people involved in running the university. It's just that said university happens to be in a future, and in space, and on a ship. None of these things are unusual in this future. Given the broad range of characters in the show, there should be someone for anyone to identify with - and possibly several someones.
This is much more like the sf I grew up reading than most other things, which are more akin to comic books than real sf. The people seem like real people, and you have to suspend your disbelieve about their environment, not about them. Yes, some of the "science" is a bit hokey, but at least it doesn't often sound like it came from a word processor set on blend. This wouldn't rate five stars if it were a book - the story just isn't that good. But when you compare it against other members of the the medium it's in, it more than deserves them. If only there were more of this, or more like it.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, that one exception is FireFly."