Reviewed on 11/26/2020...
Harry Potter does it again! Incredible true story! A must watch!
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Karen D. (Tazabeau) from HANOVER, NH
Reviewed on 4/1/2020...
This is a very tough movie to watch, but it is a great departure for Daniel Radcliffe, who is the main character in the film. He plays a young man who meets up with a couple of other fellows in Bolivia and decide to travel into the jungle with a guide they meet along the way. It's the journey that follows that tests the men and the difficulties they encounter. Radcliffe's character suffers some tough things, but never gives up the hope of returning to civilization. This movie is based on true events in the lives of these men. A hard film to watch, but well worth it.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.