"Judith Christie McAllister is one of the most underrated Praise and Worship leaders around. She's phenomenal, and one of my favorites. I've anxiously awaited this new release, and was not disappointed. Now, I must admit that it took playing this CD a couple times to grow on me, whereas I loved her previous CDs immediately. Funny thing is that when I actually listened to the lyrics of the songs on this particular release, I realized that the songs on this CD seem to have a little more depth than songs appearing on her previous two releases. Don't get me wrong, I love all her work; this was just an observation.
If you're looking for a foot-stompin' traditional gospel CD, you should pass on this CD. However, if you are looking for some depth in a CD with geniune Praise & Worship with songs based on the Word of God and sung to God, and if you're looking for a CD to help you bless the Lord, even when you don't feel like it, look no further -- this CD will be a blessing to you!"
You betta praise Him!!!
Percy Williams | New York City | 06/01/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Judith Christie-McAllister is undeniably gospel music's First Lady of Praise and Worship. Since first hearing her in the late 80's as an integral voice on the groundbreaking praise and worship projects of the West Angeles Church of God in Christ Choir aka: "Saints in Praise", she has remained consistent. When it comes to presenting an offering of love and heartfelt exaltation unto God through song, it appears that heaven has handpicked Judith Christie-McAllister to be the example in setting the standard. "In His Presence - Live", recorded earlier this year at the Cathedral of Praise COGIC in Nashville, TN. is McAllister's third project to date. The opening track, "To Our God," instantly transports you to Africa, as it is a selection dedicated to the ancestors and children of Africa who fulfilled the prophecy of Zephaniah 3:10. Of the 15 selections here, my favorites include, "My Confession", the entire segment "Expressions from My Soul" comprised of the anthem, "Bless Thou the Lord Oh My Soul" and the vocal and instrumental version of "Bless The Lord." Also setting the atmosphere are the selections included in the "In His Presence" segment and the JCM version of "Like the Dew." The final song on the CD is entitled "Rain" - and Judith lets it pour! Judith Christie-McAllister over the years has been instrumental in helping to establish this sound, style, genre and form of worship in the African American church; hers is a definitive ministry of Praise and Worship.
V. Coleman | 08/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This whole CD from beginning to end is nothing but an INCREDIBLE WORSHIP and PRAISE EXPERIENCE!!! EVERY song is filled with THE GLORY OF GOD!! This CD is SOOO ANOINTED, you don't even realize!!! I absolutely love Judith's voice!! It is so powerful and precise! But most of all, it is filled with the anointing cause thats what destroys the yoke, you feel me!!? You know, some of my family said I wouldn't like this CD cause I'm more of a Tonex/Kirk Franklin/Tye/Yolanda type person, but I absolutely love it! And I'm only 16!! Now you know the CD would have to be bumpin' in order for a teen to like it!! Especially with all this mess thats out now!! But i was so suprised by Judy on this CD cause I didn't know she could blow like she be doin on this CD!! She be hittin' all kind of notes on here!! I was so amazed at her range and how anointed she is, I just hope the LORD gives me a double portion of what's in her! So what am I saying? GO BUY THE CD! ITS WORTH IT!! YOU WILL TRUELY BE BLESSED BY EVERY SINGLE SONG ON THIS ALBUM!! Not 2 or 3, like on some of these other folk cds, but every song will touch your heart and minister to you in a different way! BE BLESSED AND PRAISE HIS NAME! Remember, NO BOOTLEG COPIES!!!"
T. Lewis-noble | Nashville, TN | 06/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I lovd this CD. It makes me want to shout when I am driving down the street. Judith at her best."
She's Done IT AGAIN !!
A. Benjamin | California | 06/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dr. McAllister, you have done it again. This is without a doubt the best of all three of her offerings of praise projects. She has reached a level in praise and has invited the world into her secret place with the Lord. Every melody and song inspires you to just take another step further into his presence. Thanks, for doing it again.