Astronomer and author Dr. Hugh Ross whisks viewers through the solar system back to the moment when light first sprang from darkness. Embark on this amazing journey that explores the astronomical evidence for a universe th... more »at is meticulously fine-tuned for the benefit of human life.« less
"I consider myself a believer in creation that all started about 6000 years ago. I have read and viewed much information for and against the 6000 year old earth but this DVD has presented me with some of the most convincing evidence that maybe the earth is older. I'm not ready to discard my current belief system as of yet but this DVD has encouraged me to research more in depth the issue of an older date of creation."
Awe and Wonder
GRJ | Puyallup, WA USA | 08/26/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I suspect that many of us have never thought of a telescope as a time machine but that is exactly what Dr. Hugh Ross invites us to imagine in this amazing video. And, he makes a lot of sense in doing so! A telescope, whether earth bound or a satellite, looks out into the cosmos and in so doing looks back in time. If we look at the moon we are looking at light that reflected off the moon's surface 1 1/2 seconds ago; if we look at the Sun, we are looking at light that was generated there 8 minutes ago; if we look at Alpha Centauri, the next nearest star after the Sun, we are seeing light that left there roughly 4 1/2 years ago, and so on. And so we calculate distances in terms of "light years", the distance light travels in one year, moving at the rate of 186,000 miles per second (thus a light year is roughly 6 trillion miles!). It is the only way to calculate the immense distances of the ever expanding universe.
In addition, to take this Journey from where we are in space and time back to the point of creation, Dr. Ross provides another analogy. In order to consider the Universe, especially the roughly 14 billion years back to the Creation event, Dr. Ross invites us to consider that amount of time as being analogous to the distance between the Seattle Space Needle and the Empire State Building in New York City. In other words, by analogy, by the time we have left our Solar System with its accompanying asteroid and comet belts which go as far as 2 light years out, we have only travelled a couple hundredths of an inch in our journey back to Creation. Amazing!
Having heard Dr. Ross speak in person several times, he is an excellent teacher. He takes difficult concepts and makes them much more readily available to the non-scientifically trained person such as myself. Although it's not going to compete with "Star Wars", the special effects and visual aids provided by the video are well-done and very helpful. Dr. Ross's narrative is well crafted.
In order to learn more, I have watched the video several times and I learn something new each time. I am continually amazed at the information shared about the incredible fine-tuning that is necessary for the universe to produce just one planet like Earth and for the Earth to support life. I am in awe of the probabilities or should I say the improbability of the earth itself, not to mention the fact that there would be life - the fine-tuning of "the Big Bang", the fine-tuning of the mass of universe, , the size of the Sun, the unique configuration of our solar system with two gas giants that are just the right size and distance from the earth to provide shielding, etc. Whether you are a believer or a non-believer, this video will leave you with a sense of awe and wonder at your very existence.
If a faith perspective is an obstacle to you, be forewarned. This video is the work of people of faith. Dr. Ross in the Director of "Reasons to Believe" and he is not shy about sharing his faith perspective. His conviction (and mine) is that science points to God (thus "Reasons to Believe") rather than being at odds with faith. He is convinced that there is mounting evidence from the scientific community in recent decades that makes faith in God virtually irrefutable. In fact, one has to go through incredible intellectual gymnastics to get to the point where one denies the possibility of God.
Also, be forewarned with regard to the fact that, if you are a biblical literalist and believe that world was created in a literal six days and that the world is only about 6,000 years old, you are going to be sorely disappointed. Dr. Ross deals with this issue in some of his books and argues that the Bible certainly supports the view that Creation, and the Earth in particular, took considerably longer than 6 days. However, in this video, that issue does not come up directly and there is no question that Dr. Ross argues for and exceptionally long time between the beginning of Creation and now.
The only reason I did not give this Video 5 stars is that there are occasionally awkward transitions and the analogy between journeying back to Creation and the distance between the Seattle Space Needle and the Empire State Building sometimes gets a little confusing. If I could have done so, I would have given the video 4 1/2 stars.
This is a piece of excellent work.
Gary R. Jepsen
Puyallup, WA"
A Very Unique Planet in an Unbelievably Vast Universe!!!
----john J. Butera | WOODLAND PARK, CO USA | 05/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD takes one on a journey through time and space and does a remarkable job of showing the uniqueness of planet earth and the complete improbability of life being anywhere else in the universe. Extremely informative and great graphics showing and describing nebulas, galaxies and even the universe before matter.
I higly recommend this DVD. It does not fit into the 6-24hour days of creation but rather uses the 6 long periods of time. Some may find this offense. Personally, this is not a problem for me as it is the uniqueness of earth and all that it absolutely needed to have life on earth that boggles my mind.Two other points that make this DVD special is the scientific evidence that shows how the universe is expanding at a faster rate after it slowed down first and the importance of our moon. The term fine tuning of the universe is used and mathmatical improbabilities are used to prove the universe is continually being fine tuned to support life on earth.
To sum it up Dr. Hugh Ross takes you on a wild intellectual and beautiful ride through the universe and back in time to the beginning of it all. ENJOY!!!!! Really worth seeing."
PBS quality production of cosmology
saucygirl | Portland, OR | 12/16/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Journey Toward Creation is an excellent overview of big bang cosmology and the fine tuned nature of the universe that argues powerfully for an intelligent creator behind it all. It is appropriate for all ages--my 7 and 9 year olds sat in rapt attention through the entire show. The animation sequences are wonderful and reveal a view of the cosmos that everyone needs to see and contemplate. Easily something one would expect from Nature or Nova on PBS in terms of production quality."
Excellent, easy-to-understand visual journey through space
Garrett | 12/18/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you have ever been amazed by looking into the night sky or at the images from Hubble and wondered about Life's Big Questions, this DVD is for you.It is a detailed and up-to-date look at the discoveries from astronomy and what they mean to our existence and place in the universe. As you will see, science is neither unknowable nor heretical, it verifies what the Bible has said all along: The universe was designed specifically for humans.See why we are alone in the universe and why the entire universe exists as it does to allow us to exist as we do. Expertly narrated by Dr. Hugh Ross - the Christian Carl Sagan - you will not be disappointed.An excellent companion to books like "The Creator and the Cosmos" or "Show Me God.""