Como los mejores vinos!
Santiago Zuleta | Bogotá, Cundinamarca Colombia | 06/10/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Qué maravillosa sorpresa encontrar este video del buen José Luis Perales. Y qué bellísimo testimonio de una época que si dió poetas, músicos, canciones populares ricas en un sentido melódico y armónico, además de sus textos provenientes de una generación que si se tomó el trabajo de leer a los grandes: Machado, Hernández, Lorca, Rosalía de Castro, Alberti. Si hoy los jóvenes escuchasen esto, y entendiesen cuál es la riqueza que hay aquí, y de la cual los actuales "artistas" carecen tanto, podrían comprender por qué afirmamos contundentemente los mayores de 40 que un personaje como Juanes es cualquier cosa menos un "artista". Carece totalmente de talento. Es un simple producto de un mercadeo mentiroso y manipulador.
No así este maestro, Perales, que siempre vivió en la más absoluta sencillez, en su casa de Cuenca, que siempre declaró admirar al gran Serrat, y que nutrió de bellísimas baladas a tres generaciones de hispanoamericanos. Ya recientemente, con su CD "Me han contado que existe un paraíso" se veía con claridad que Perales seguía "vivito y coleando" como dice el dicho. Y así lo confirma este magnífico concierto, acompañado de estos excelentes músicos cubanos, de algunos arreglos refrescados, bellísimos, con su particular timbre vocal a la vez seco y sedoso, con su gracia interpretativa de siempre! Amor sin Límites, La Espera, América, Celos de mi Guitarra...todas sus buenas canciones y Por si Las Musas, una preciosa inspiración de su última cosecha.
Bravo, maestro! Ahora te queda otra asignatura pendiente, como bien dices en la entrevista: ven a Latinoamérica a cantar este concierto. Aquí te esperamos, con el buen vino que mereces. Abrazos, querido Perales. Buen artista y buen hombre!"
Perales !!!
O. Lopez | Sydney, Australia | 04/21/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have always liked Jose Luis composition, he has always been a romantic writer as well as a daily life situations composer, one of my favourites has always been "La Llamada" and "Le llamaban Loca" - I believe that the guy that she is waiting for is the one that is waiting for her in the other song . . . (?) . . . Jose luis is the only one that can assure whether the assumption is right . . . however this video is good but lack quality - sound and video - the arrangements for some of the songs are different to the originals(some Jazzy, some slow . . . and some fast) but one hour for 35 years of music is not enough . . . just ask yourself how many hours of music Jose Luis has composed . . . I would not ask for all the hours but . . . at least 2 hours . . . I love my music and I would not mind to pay extra for one extra or more hour and include more songs . . . knowing that this video has been made out of 2 concerts on 10 and 11 July 2008. I always wanted a good video live from Jose Luis . . . but it seems that whoever is in charge of doing it doesn't seem to care about quality for a guy that is quality as Jose Luis is . . . it is only my opinion . . . if you don't mind . . . Peace and Love. Good Jose Luis . . . you are a great composer and singer."
Great musician, pity about the video quality
Christian Conesa | 01/12/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"My wife and I love Jose Luis Perales and it is great to be able to enjoy his music on DVD but, sadly, the video quality is just painful... We could have probably recorded it with our video camera with a better standard. As for he music... timeless!."
Good to have
Fausto D. Luna | 12/25/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"very good testimony of one of the greatest spanish singers. Excellent audio but the video looks that was made using a home camera. I can't believe that they missed the train by using a cheap quality video system. This was an opportunity that will never happens again. But overall if you are a Perales fan you must have it."