Jonathan Slocumb takes you on a hilarious trip per his unique brand of Cuss-Free-Comedy that is sure to have everyone in stitches with skit after skit that is appropriate for the entire family! From the gut busting You Nee... more »d A Tick Tac, to the seriously funny truth about Old Choir Members, to the crazy tickle your funny bone audience participation of Lyrically Challenged, to the fall on the floor laugh fest of Idaho's Black History Month Musical Tribute; Slocumb is at his absolute comedic best. In addition, Live From Chicago also illustrates Slocumb's mastery of physical comedy on bits like A Moonwalk First? and James Brown! Treat yourself, friends and family to the best in comedy with Jonathan Slocumb Live From Chicago, a must have; but be careful as you are subject to shed a tear from laughing yourself silly! It's Comedy For The Entire Family, Rated CF For Cuss Free making this specially priced DVD a tremendous value buy. Jonathan Slocumb Live From Chicago is also available on CD.« less