Currently Available DVDs (4) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (27)2008 - Beethoven's Dog-Gone Best Movie Pack 2008 - Jekyll 2007 - Coffee Date 2007 - Laura Smiles 2006 - 1201 2005 - John Lithgow Traveling Man 2004 - The Medicine Show 2003 - Deacons for Defense 2003 - Van Wilder/Weekend at Bernie's 2001 - Weekend at Bernie's II 2001 - The Inspectors 2 - A Shred of Evidence 1999 - Stealing Home 1999 - The Inspectors 1999 - Weekend at Bernie's 1998 - The Odd Couple II 1998 - Brighton Beach Memoirs Weekend at Bernies 1 One 2 Two 2 DVD Set Includes Bonus Movie Art Card