Kevin, Nick and Joe are three guys facing the same challenges as teenagers all across America -- the only difference is they are also internationally famous rock stars in the band JONAS! Experience life through the eyes of... more » the world's most popular trio in five episodes of JONAS on JONAS: ROCKIN' THE HOUSE. Plus, this DVD includes two full bonus episodes and premieres the exclusive You've Just Been Jo Bro'd DVD feature that takes you along with the Jonas Brothers on their laugh-out-loud mission to surprise their co-star. Get ready to see even more of your favorite Disney Channel series with JONAS: ROCKIN' THE HOUSE on DVD!« less
"Before I start, I just want to clarify that I am 21 years old and I love love love the tv show JONAS. I get excited on Sundays and I set my VCR (I know, I know, old school but we can't afford TiVo right now) to record it. This means I have all the episodes aired on tape and was only buying it so I could switch over to DVD to make them last longer. Before anyone else does this they should know the DVD doesn't come with all the aired episodes. It only comes with 5 episodes plus the 2 unseen episodes.
The three brothers are planning to swtich all their home movies over to DVD for their mom's brithday (hey! maybe I should have done this instead of buying it. Too bad I would have missed the JO Bro'd thing though.) Instead they accidently ruin their mom's tapes but come up with a way to fix it for her instead!
This is a cute episode. The boys with obviously do anything for their mom and the videos they make are the funniest things! Plus you get to watch real life Jonas home videos and there is nothing wrong with that.
Wrong Song:
Nick falls in love too fast with this girl who he is teaching guitar to. He writes her a song (that gets stuck in my head for the rest of the day once I have heard it) and then she uses that song for her performance and dedicates it to another guy! Ahh! Song: "Give Love a Try"
This episode is okay. Nick's acting is a little stiff, probably cause this is the first episode. He loosens up in later episodes and has a better subtle acting that is hilarious. The girl in this is very annoying and shows the future of what the girls are going to be like on this show.
Pizza Girl:
All three brothers fall in love with the pizza girl. They decide to not like her, then like her, then not like her again. Invite her over, freak ker out and move on to chinese. Song: "Pizza Girl"
Classic cute video with a catchy song! Humorous lines like "I'm going up against two Mack Daddies." Even my mother chuckles at this episode and she is hard to impress.
Band's Best Friend:
Joe's friend Carl is coming to stay for a few days and all he can think about is that the Jonas's are rock stars now. He forgets to be normal and acts like a "pushing annoying guy." Song: "Work it Out"
I really don't like this episode but not because of the boys or anything they might do. I don't like Carl and how he acts. I know it's part of the plot but then it's a bad plot. I also don't like the whole "fourth Jonas" angle. There is ALREADY a fourth Jonas.
Chasing the Dream:
The boys need a new backup singer and Macy gets Kevin to let her do it. Unfortunatly Macy's voice sounds like a manatee. Song: Keep It Real
I love this episode! The theme of just singing because you love it even if you are terrible is sweet. The guys try to protect her and there is one moment that almost broke my heart. Plus Kevin has moments where he tries to sing and no one lets him. It's priceless.
Stella enters a beauty pageant because she thinska ll the girls are too dumb to beat her. Joe, Nick and Kevin has to judge and are worried because the rest of the girls are really talented and will probably beat Stella. Stella chokes on tv and starts freaking out. Luckily the guys save her. Song: Work It Out
It was an okay episode. Any girls who think that they will one day up with a JO Bro, Beware! They drool over a lot of girls in this episode!
Cold Shoulder:
Kevin has a crush on this Scandanavian foreign exchange student Anya. They are both dorky together and Kevin is happy he finally found a girl who will accept his kookiness. Until she dumps him. She found out that every laughs at him when they are being silly and she thinks that he needs an American girlfriend so no one will laugh. Song: "Left My Heart"
One of the saddest episodes ever. Kevin's acting was priceless. It was almost bittersweet. I still loved it cause I love Kevin and any episode that features him is great. Also he has a SOLO SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's right. A SOLO SONG!! It's very good and I love his voice.
Of course every episode has its freaken hilarious lines that make me crack up.
Also on the dvd is the "You Just Been Jo Bro'd" where they play a prank on their friend Chelsea Staub who plays Stella. I wont give it away but awhile it's funny it doesn't has the same type of finess as the people who play pranks for real (such as Punk'd.)
Overall, it is a good dvd and the extra episodes were great.
The packaging could have better explained what shows I was buying. It wasn't until I got it into my DVD player and onto Menu that I found out.
If anyone was looking to collect all the episodes then they better hope that Disney releases the rest of the episodes. Because if not than it was almost a letdown to find out that there were only the 5 episodes. However, if the rest ARE going to be released then I would recommend it for anyone who wants to start collecting the series on dvd.
Jonas rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A Must Watch For Any Age
mru1980 | Ohio, USA | 07/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Allow me to begin by saying that I am not a teen, nor do I have any kids. I am actually 28 years old, and I love this show. It is a great funny show that is very entertaining. Kevin, Joe and Nick are young and just developing their acting chops, but they are still quite good in the show.
If you give this show a try you will fine that you will indeed enjoy it and look forward to the next episode.
All of the characters are great and the situations they find themselves in leaves you laughing...
So go ahead and buy it.. TRUST ME you will lke it!"
Give it a chance- You will LIKE it!!!!!
Kathleen Wilson | Minneapolis, MN | 07/08/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I wasn't sure what to think from the previews, but have been pleasantly surprised, and now my kids and I never miss an episode. The Jo Bros' have really done well with their acting and have a great sense of humor. Kids and adults will get a kick out of this, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Disney develops this as it is a keeper."
Great for any age, best Disney show out there
Chris S | Alberta, Canada | 09/03/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although I had not heard their music the show did seem to have promise. I watched the first episode as I heard it was like the Monkees I watched as a kid. At first I was thinking it was so-so but now I am really impressed and never miss an episode of JONAS. Even my 60 year old mother and 27 year old brother are enjoying the show as well, dispite their attempts to find fault. It is the best Disney show out right now. Just remember it is meant to be tongue in cheek and pokes a lot of fun at "celebrity" culture. The later episodes are even better than the early ones."
For its price and the fact that you get two bonus episodes,
Dennis A. Amith (kndy) | California | 10/13/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Jonas Brothers began development on their new Disney Channel Original Series which was set to premiere in January 2008 but due to the Guild Writers Strike, the series was delayed and premiered on television in May 2009.
The comedy series is reminiscent to another classic music-based comedy shows such as "The Partridge Family" or "The Monkeys" in which the storylines focus on a topic and is essentially a comedy series. Also, similar to those classic shows, the Jonas Brothers perform a song relating to the show.
"JONAS" revolves around three brothers who are in a popular band known as JONAS. Here is a summary of the primary characters of the show:
Kevin Lucas (Kevin Jonas) - The elder brother who loves playing the guitar and his mind sometimes is way out there. And typically the brother who is most willing to do wacky things.
Joe Lucas (Joe Jonas) - The cool member of the group who has a close relationship with the band's fashion stylist and good friend Stella Malone (Chelsea Staub) but doesn't want to hurt their friendship so he never shows any romantic interest in her.
Nick Lucas (Nick Jonas) - The intelligent and calm brother who tries to knock some sense into his two older brothers.
Tom Lucas (John Ducey) - The father and the manager of the group
Sandy (Rebecca Creskoff) - The loving mother
Frankie Lucas (Frankie Jonas) - The younger brother and wants to be in the spotlight like his older brothers.
Other Characters:
Stella Malone (Chelsea Staub) -A childhood friend of the Lucas brothers, who literally grew up with Joe Jonas when they were young toddlers. She is attracted to Joe but doesn't want to ruin their friendship but she does get jealous when Joe has his attention set on other girls.
Macy Misa (Nicole Anderson) - Stella's good friend and the band's #1 fan who tends to cause the Lucas brothers some problems at times.
In the first volume of "JONAS: Rockin' the House", the DVD features the following episodes:
* Groovy Movies (Episode 2) - The guys want to surprise their mother with a gift but accidentally destroy a major prized possession.
* Wrong Song (Episode 1) - Nick is falling for a girl named Penny and his brothers are concerned that he's falling head-over-heels to quickly for her.
* Pizza Girl (Episode 3) - All Lucas brothers are attracted to their pizza delivery girl and the brothers compete against each other on who can impress her first.
* Band's Best Friend (Episode 5) - Carl, a childhood friend of the brothers come to visit but has ulterior motives on why he is visiting them.
* Chasing the Dream (Episode 6) - Kevin gives Macy a chance to become a backup singer but her vocals are very bad. How will he break it to her that he can't use her?
* BONUS EPISODE: Beauty and the Beat - The guys become judges for the "Miss Most Amazing Teen Competition", but judging the girls become difficult when Stella becomes a contestant.
* BONUS EPISODE: Cold Shoulder - Kevin's friend from Scandinavia comes to America but although Kevin loves her for her, everyone around them think that they are a strange couple. Meanwhile, someone is posting pictures of the JONAS members on the fan website.
"JONAS: Rockin' the House - Volume 1 is presented in Full Screen (1:33:1) and is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 Surround Sound. The picture quality is different from other Disney Channel shows in that it's filmed like a drama series and is not in front of a live audience. Audio quality is front and center channel-driven and dialogue is understandable and music is clear.
Subtitles are featured in English SDH and Spanish.
"JONAS: Rockin' the House - Volume 1 comes with the following special features:
* BONUS EPISODES - Two unaired episodes: Beauty and the Beast and Cold Shoulder
* You Just Been Jo Bro'd! - Suprising Chelsea Staub - (11:19) Similar to a show like `Punk'd', the Jonas Brothers prank their co-star Chelsea Staub.
* Dylan & Cole Sprouse: Blu-Ray is Suite - (4:45) A featurette about Blu-ray and High Definition.
* Learn How to Take Your Favorite Movies on the Go - (1:03) A Featurette explaining what a Disney Digital Copy is.
As a guy who has reviewed many shows from female and male idol groups worldwide, "JONAS: Rockin' the House - Volume 1 is one of those shows that I found fun, but also campy but know that the series will more than likely appeal to the Jonas Brothers fans. And for fans, especially the parents, this is a solid DVD release that you'll definitely get your money's worth.
Some shows are just too campy such as "Groovy Movies" in which the brother's try to re-enact their childhood home videos (after accidentally destroying the original copies of their mother's home video collection) as a birthday present for their mom. Or the episode "Cold Shoulder" in which Kevin Lucas and his Scandinavian girlfriend start doing a dance similar to the 70's "The Hustle" despite the chagrin of everyone watching them. But then there are episodes that are just crazy and hilarious such as the bonus episode "BEAUTY & THE BEAT" in which the episode is very similar to the real life situation of what happened during the Miss Teen USA 2007 but for the character of Stella.
But for the most part, even the past classic shows of "The Partridge Family" and "The Monkeys" had their share of campiness as well, but it all comes down to the viewers and their fans and if they are entertained by it. I grew up with the music-based show "Kids Inc." (which starred the Black Eyed Peas member FERGIE) back in the late 80's which is probably uber-campy now but at the time, as a child, I absolutely loved that show. Nevertheless, this show is for the Jonas Brothers fans and for families looking for family-fun entertainment, "JONAS: Rockin' the House - Volume 1 is entertaining and fun.
And I think it was very cool for Disney to also include two bonus episodes along with the five that are included. So, nevertheless, fans (especially the parents) are getting their money's worth with this release.
So, for the Jonas Brothers fans, if you enjoyed "JONAS" on the Disney Channel, you'll definitely enjoy volume 1 of "JONAS: Rockin' the House" and for you, this DVD is definitely recommended!"