Gloriously inept softcore from an Ed Wood collaborator
Mike | San Jose, CA | 04/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Depending on your "glass is half empty, glass is half full" perspective on Ed Wood's career, the 1966 full-color epic Orgy of the Dead...directed by Stephen Apostolof, A.K.A. "A.C. Stephens," was a stunning high-point or a trip to the sub-depths of incompetent filmmaking. It had a little something for everyone: a werewolf, a mummy, and Plan Nine's Criswell as "Emperor of the Night," who commands strippers to "dance for his entertainment" (as is duly noted on the DVD's box copy).
This same A.C. Stephens cranked out a series of black and white softcore features with tabloid-style titles..."College Girls Confidential," "Motel Confidential," "Suburbia Confidential," "Office Love-In," and many more. They were relatively tame features with non-existent acting, and decades later have a certain "time capsule charm" all their own.
"Office Love-In" featured two minor celebrities of the genre, blonde Marsha Jordan (who seemed to show up in most of these films), and brunette Kathy Williams. Williams was also the star of the 1969 color feature "The Ramrodder", available on DVD from Something Weird in a "Naughty West Double Feature" with the black and white not-quite-an-epic "Revenge Of The Virgins" (The Ramrodder / Revenge of the Virgins).
The real attraction on this DVD is Williams. She has a cute Long Island accent (she addresses "Mr. Albertson" as "Mista Albitsin") as well as Ed Wood-worthy acting. If Wood had lived and thrived as a filmmaker, she most certainly would have ended up in one of his "productions.""