Mount_Olympus | above the delicatessan | 02/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a young teen, I was raised in a terrible town that was obsessed with sports. No efforts were truly put into giving the children culture. If you were a young male, you either played sports or you were odd. I was odd. I was more interested in painting and music. I had to 'culture' myself. I would get on the bus and go to the city to see architecture, museums, plays, and concerts. Usually by myself. This is around the time I discovered the films of Divine. Here was an outrageous figure not afraid to be himself. Surrounded by an entire group of outcasts and misfits. I almost felt like part of the Dreamlanders (the name given to this group of people). I sought out anything by Divine or John Waters that I could get my hands on. That is how I discovered all of these films.
Watching these films helped me to realize there was an entire world outside of my dreary town and its dreary residents.
And the world was filled with all kinds of wonderful, artistic and bizaare people (who actually made me look dull and normal).
Say what you will about Divine and John Waters. But they really helped me survive my youth.
Now as for this box set. You cannot beat this deal. You get the best of John Waters all in one set. If you bought these films separately, you would pay a lot more than this price."
There are two types of people in the world
Joey Narcotic | New Zealand | 06/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"People who like John Waters's movies, and @$$holes. (Note for the humour-impaired: go to and look up the word "joke" - you'll find life easier afterwards.)This set is remarkable. Not only do we get John's five best movies and Pecker, complete with the maestro's side-splitting commentary tracks, but we get a bonus DVD with all kinds of treasures: clips from unfinished movies, interviews old & new, and assorted relevant weirdness.If you get John Waters, you need this set. If you don't, well there's plenty of other junk out there."
Instant Waters collection
Chistopher W. Boetticher | Pennsylvania, USA | 12/02/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If, like me, you've been collecting various versions of the Waters films over the years, this will be a welcome addition to your library. I bought the three 2 movie sets individually and then mailed away for the 7th disk that this collection includes. It's got little videos and pictures and other trivia on it. At long last I can finally retire my second generation VHS dubs of Female Trouble and Desperate Living.
Buy this set, and invite your more open-minded friends over. You'll laugh your heads off. These movies literally changed my life (for the better) when I saw them for the first time in my early teens.
Oh, and to knucklehead that gave this set 1 star: Criticizing John Waters' films is like criticizing Picasso's paintings because the people don't look real."
Well worth getting the set if you're a fan...
thatsnice | 10/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There is no fancy packaging on this 'box set', it is simply a bundle of all three volumes of the John Waters collection.However, its worth is in its inclusion of the "John Waters Scrapbook", a HUGE vault of audio interviews and extra features that was previously only available via mail order when you sent in the proof of purchase tabs from the separately purchased volumes and 5.95.If you want perhaps two of the volumes and are sitting on the fence about the third, it's worth purchasing the set just to get your hands on this disc."
One of the funniest american directors
H. E Laskin | anytown usa | 11/23/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"now i understand why this compilation only got 3 the person who gave us his list of favorite directors and considered waters just trashy no talent,i think your missing the boat.all the directors you mentioned are fave being scorsese...but that aside if you could just expand your definition of "art",there is a wonderfully comical side to everything waters does,admittadly there are a few movies that are hard to watch,but waters or at least divine should get an oscar for their work..i suppose only the waters cult of fans really knows what i mean but i think john waters is a comic genius.did you see him on the simpsons?well anyway....if you've never seen a waters film,and you consider yourself a movie watcher,check one out.if you love it,get this dvd before it dissapears!"