In the early months of 1969, six men met on a swift boat on the Mekong Delta during some of the worst fighting of the Vietnam War. Five of the men were crewmates - Tommy, Mike, Gene, David, Del - and the came from across A... more »merica, from Boston to Northern California to Iowa. Their commander happened to be a young Yale graduate named John Kerry. The six men would endure the horrors of Vietnam together. They would remain friends for the next 35 years. Brothers in Arms tells the story of their unique relationship. The documentary focuses on their experiences in Vietnam, but it also recounts what happened to them after the war and delves into the way each man has dealt with the experience of fighting in, as David puts it, "a war I discovered we didn't intend to win." Interviews, photographs and archival footage of the war are woven together to create a powerful and emotional film.
Just this week, a group of men who did not serve directly with John Kerry in Vietnam published a book maligning Kerry's military service. Over the last eighteen months, I have talked to and interviewed the veterans who actually did serve directly with Kerry in Vietnam. I use those interviews as the basis for my documentary film, Brothers in Arms. I decided to focus on the crew of Patrol Craft Fast 94, the last swift boat Kerry commanded. Brothers in Arms is a recounting of the lives of the crew of the 94 before, during, and after Vietnam. While the man behind this recent book never even met Kerry in Vietnam, the crew of the 94--Del, Mike, David, and Gene--lived with Kerry day in and day out on the Mekong Delta in early 1969. If anyone knows the truth of what happened to John Kerry in Vietnam, they do. Brothers in Arms is their story.
"The more I learn about Kerry, the more respect I have for him. His life story is truly amazing. His whole life he has fought for the people. He could have easily avoided Vietnam, he came from a wealthy family. But he said "send me". It's really sad we have abunch of liars funded by top Bush fundies trying to tarnish a freakin war hero's record. When the president himself didnt even serve. Where are Bush's brothers in arms? I havent seen anyone come out and say "I served with George W Bush". Because that would be impossible, Dubya didnt serve. All Kerry's records have been released, they are all downloadable at his website, the Navy has come out and confirmed them and said he earned his medals. So get over it, Kerry's a war hero. And about his testimony in front in 71'. He didnt betray anyone, he came back and found out a lot of veterans werent getting the help they needed from the government, so he fought for veteran rights and fought to end the quaqmire in Vietnam which was really unwinnable. We are at war, Id like to have a man who has seen war first hand running my country. Funny how people say Kerry would be soft on terroism. When he's been fighting it his whole life. Rather it be on the front lines in vietnam, fighting for rape victims rights as a prosecutor or exposing the BCCI and Iran Contra scandal as a senator. Bet you Bush followers never heard of that have you? Do some research, you'll be surprised. This guy is a fighter, his father didnt carry him under his wing his whole life. He took the harder path in life even though he could have taken the easy way out numerous times. Thats the kind of person I want leading my country. I want to be able to say "hey, thats my president" and smile and feel good about it again. Send John Kerry."
A TRUE patriot
James L. Frank, Jr. | Atlanta GA | 10/15/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Again, everybody has opinions about John Kerry and coming back to protest the war which Bush wouldn't even serve in. Kerry was there and makes a very sound argument why it should have been protested. It was STUPID!! The N. Vietnamese could care less about the Soviets and Chinese and were fighting for their own freedom---AGAINST US!! the so-called spreaders of freedom and liberty. Let's just face it--sometimes America is wrong.
The superb irony is that all the so-called Republicans Hawks are really Chickenhawks that didn't serve and actively slipped out of service. If Bush really wanted to serve, all he had to do was go down to the recruiter's station and they would have gladly accepted him. Instead, he got his dad to pull some strings to get in the guard so he wouldn't have to serve. These are the facts and they are undisputable."
Only to offset the book of lies about him
B. COLE | true patriot town, USA | 09/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video will bring to light the lies told in a recent book about Kerry by the so called "swift boat veterans for truth". The only reason he brings up the past is because bush has supported people to slam Kerry's past, and he is only defending himself from the lies. Lies that have already been proven as such. He would talk about the issues, but the so called conservatives say things like 'flip flop' and what not to keep him talking about things they want him to talk(defend himself) about. By the way, who really flip flopped? Kerry voted to support our troops with all the necessary weapons first, but bush voted against it so he could get tax breaks for the rich! (THINK ABOUT IT!) bush just wants you to ignore how big a hole he has dug our country in the past 4 years by making stuff up about Kerry and keeping you focused on him. I know what bush's record is and his record REALLY SUCKS! No child left behind, but then he doesn't fund it, healthcare reform but then he pushes bills through that favor insurance and pharmacy companies and leave millions WITH OUT healthcare. The clear skies initiative, and polution is worse than it was 4 years ago. THE BIGGEST debt in our nations history after being handed the largest surplus in our nations history. Giving tax breaks to companies to send jobs overseas, what about making jobs here in our country?!?!?! He let haliburton get how many no-bid contracts after going to war with a country that NOTHING to do with 9/11... and doesn't even require them to account for the millions of dollars that are un-accounted for... and what ever happened to Osama?!?!?!?! How about bush and ken lay, all of a sudden bush doesn't know the guy after he used his personal jet to do his 2000 campaign tour... Don't tell me about who's history is better, bush couldn't even run a major league baseball team without running it into the ground, what makes you think he can actually do good for our country? I would be glad to have Kerry elected into the presidency (unlike bush was). bush is a punk! just check out this cheap shot and you will see what kind of punk he really is!
Just proves he has ALWAYS taken cheap shots at his opponents, and now is no different. That's just my opinion, I know. But I know I am not alone in it. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!
If you read that stupid book of lies, maybe you SHOULD watch this video so you can at least see both sides, then make an educated guess instead of depending on what is force fed you in todays media."
Kerry is a True Patriot!
Steven E Rustad | Grand Forks, ND USA | 09/21/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"To a deeply divided nation in 1971, John Kerry told the tragic truth about a misguided war, fought by drafted American teenagers, in defense of a corrupt South Vietnamese government. In 2004, America is once again deeply divided. We have been led by a president into a preemptive war, and American soldiers are once again dying in a land where it is impossible to tell friend from foe. Instead of hearing reasoned political debate, we are subjected day after day to the irrational diatribes of stupid Republicans who think they own the flag. Have we learned anything from our bitter Vietnam experience? Those who have indulged in shameful orgies of slander against John Kerry, and proclaim him a liar, coward, and traitor certainly haven't. For these people, "patriotism" requires silent submission to whoever happens to be president. For these people, "defending" America can only be proven by unwavering support for every Pentagon budget. For these people, acknowledging American mistakes offers "aid and comfort to the enemy."
As a people, as a nation, we stand at a critical moment in our history. Our survival as a beacon of hope to the world is at stake on November 2. Will we be a nation guided by rational discourse, or a nation of fools? Will we join the flag waving robots of the Republican Party and march to the drumbeat of mindless patriotism, or will we redeem ourselves and honor what America was meant to be? It's up to us. It always has been. It always will be.
Amazing Courage, Movie worth seeing.
cyclista | the Midwest | 10/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The title of this movie is Brothers in Arms. "John Kerry" is not in the title (as shown here on Amazon). David Alston, Mike Medeiros, Del Sandusky, Gene Thorson, and John Kerry tell the stories of what Vietnam was like for them and what happened when they went home. Even if John Kerry were not running for president, their collective stories are moving and worthwhile. This movie is not about republicans and democrats. I want to thank these men for having the courage to tell us about themselves. These stories are important and need to be heard. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for telling them."