Currently Available DVDs (6) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (34)2002 - Trick or Treat 2002 - Hellraiser VI - Hellseeker 2002 - Mimic/Mimic 2 2002 - Dracula 2000/Tale of the Mummy 2001 - Children of the Corn - Revelation 2001 - Sweet Jane 2001 - The Boys Next Door 2000 - No Way Back 2000 - Blue Tiger 2000 - American Yakuza 2000 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Freddy's Revenge 2000 - Trekkies 2000 - Back to Back (1996) 2000 - Lower Level 2000 - Infinity 2000 - The Prophecy 3 The Ascent 2000 - Slaves to the Underground 1999 - Fist of the Northstar 1999 - Maniac Cop 3 Badge of Silence (Dol) 1999 - Blue Desert (Dol) 1998 - Serial Bomber 1998 - Phantoms Prophecy Collection (Prophecy / Prophecy II: Ashtown / Prophecy 3: The Ascent) Dracula 2000