Great value, weider is the best
Fitness Freak | NJ | 09/23/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"These are the same priciples bodybuilders have used for over 20 years. Weider is far the best way to learn, i loved the DVD set and was cool to see all the bodybuilders in it. For beginners to advanced, i even got some tips I didn't know about. Best out there for sure."
Crap advice for weak minded fools
Joseph P. Nicholson | 04/02/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Joe Weider destroyed bodybuilding. Prior the rise of the Weider empire, and the drugs and mis-information that are a huge part of it, bodybuilding was a healthy endeavor. Before the early 1960's bodybuilders actually got big and stayed big for deacdes without drugs. Training programs were sensable and healthy. A guy like Grimek or Clancy Ross could compete at a natural 220 lbs., look great for deacades and live to a ripe old age. Weider and the drug culture that he promoted ruined all that. Weider created a system where the only way to win was to get bigger and bigger year after year. Of course this means taking more and more drugs. All the while Weider is raking in the cash while guys like Andreas Munzer and Mohammed Benaziza (sp?) died horrible deaths chasing down that Sandow trophy. Their blood is on Weiders hands. To all the young guns tempted by Weider and the glossy magazines (muscle comics), realize's all an illusion. You can't have what you see is those ridiculous magazines. There is nothing in those magazines that is going to help you in any way. They exist solely to sell suppliments that you don't even need. There is a better way. Forget Weider and the fantasy he sells. Study the ways of the old timers who got big before drugs were even available. They got big and stayed big. They were as strong as they looked. They were as mentally healthy as they were physically healthy. They didn't wind up killing themselves like DeMayo, or killing others like Bertil Fox or Craig Titus. There was a Golden Age of bodybuilding that existed before you or I were even born. Ironically, this is the only time that Joe Weider, himself, ever had ANY muscle. Back then men got big by using what worked and scrapping what was nonsense. These days no one is getting big. Forget Weider and the unatainable fantasy he sells. Work towards something that you can actually achieve."