Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 11/26/2018...
We could have ended up with a very very different version of Dune. Jodorowsky has an intense and fervent imagination. It is compelling, listening to the man. I'm pretty sure audiences would have been in shock after viewing the finished product too.
What we did end up with was Lynch's Dune. For this, I recommend obtaining The extended edition. It has a large quantity of deleted and extended scenes in the extras too, which further flesh things out. Lynch wrote a movie script for the next book as well, which never made it to film. I've read that the cut of Dune which Lynch made is still in his vault...5 hours long or so? Might never see the light of day. Laurentis studios were originally working with Ridley Scott for the film. The script he was working from was written by the author of the book: Frank Herbert. Scott quit the project when his brother died unexpectedly of cancer. Probably would have been a much different movie.
There is a SyFy channel miniseries version available as well, which is well worth a look.