3 Stewart oldies
William J. Irvin | Fremont, CA | 09/20/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"WARNING! The 2-star rating is generic. I have NOT seen this DVD! I am posting this review as a service only.....
Jimmy Stewart is my all-time favorite actor, and when I saw this DVD advertised on Amazon, I was naturally curious as to what this package was comprised of. The cover says that there are "3 Classic Signature Movies". Well, I'm not sure what the hell that means. What is a 'signature' movie? For this low price, they could be either genuine classics with terrible quality or old, forgotten flicks that almost no one has heard of.
This DVD turns out to be the latter, however I must warn the reader that I cannot vouch for the quality of the movies because I DO NOT OWN THIS DVD. Nor have I ever seen it. I chimed in here in order to let you, dear reader, in on a little secret - said secret being exactly which movies are on this DVD. Not many websites that sell this compilation describe anything at all about it, much less what the heck we are even paying for. What movies are on this DVD??
Well, wonder no more. Here they are. I haven't heard of a one in the lot. They may be great. They may suck on ice. All are oldies. I admit, I lifted the descriptions from another website. The descriptions make the flicks sound entertaining, but they could also be hyperbole. Again, I don't know. If you are a Stewart completist, perhaps you may be looking for these movies:
Pot O' Gold (1941, 87 min)
Jimmy Stewart stars alongside Paulette Goddard in this fun film with a great musical score. Jimmy Haskell and his sweetheart Molly McCorkle lend a hand to a struggling musical family down on its luck. Using their business connections and a bit of creativity, Jimmy and Molly hit upon a sure fire gimmick to ensure the family reaches their pot o' gold after all.
Made For Each Other (1939, 92 min)
John and Jane's marriage is doomed from the beginning: meddling in-laws, a honeymoon cut short, a dwindling bank account... Will their child's illness manage keep this sympathetic couple together? Starring James Stewart and Carole Lombard.
Thunderbolt (1945 - color, 45 min)
Another side of Jimmy Stewart is seen in this war documentary that portraying the P-47 Thunderbolt fighter aircraft, its use in missions over Europe and the Pacific, and the pilots who flew them. Stewart lends an honesty and humility to this film that few others can.
No Real Information
A. Johnson | Oklahoma | 06/27/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Amazon gives us the run time, and number of disc's,
but they give ZIP as far as a description or content.
Does Amazon really expect to sell a product when there
is no information telling what the product consist's of????
Come on Amazon, the public is more intelligent than that.
Amazon, you ask for a rating. How can I rate a product when
I don't even know what it consists of? The only choice you
give is a 1-5 star rating. How can I rate a product that
I rate as a "ZERO"???"
And it's familiar
Haley R. Flores | 04/07/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Just to let it be known if you exclude the third movie the first reviewer supplied, I have this DVD and bought for ONE DOLLAR at Target. Just thought that was interesting."
Thank you Wm J Irving!
Conscientious Customer | Austin, Tx | 02/13/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Thank goodness for conscientious consumers like Mr. Irving, for without him I'd NEVER have figured out what the "St. Clair Entertainment Group" had put together. As I'm assembling a semi-complete Jimmie Stewart Collection for my girlfriend (amazing such a collection isn't already compiled!), this was a great help. Plus, if Mr. Irving is correct, this has the two features from the more expensive "pot o' gold" collection, plus one more.
Meanwhile, shame on St. Claire for their shoddy packaging, description, and marketing. I only hope they didn't screw up the sound or the 'pan & scan'."