I found more dvds finally
Nicole Ericksen | Fort Carson,CO United States | 06/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My son is 2 tomorrow and he absolutely loves jimmy neutron. I thought I was going to have to break or hide the dvd we have (attack of the twonkies) because walmart or anywhere else never carrioes any other jimmy neutrons. I love watching this cartoon with my son. The animation maybe a little behind those other cartoons, but i dont care I love it!"
Five of the episodes on this disc are absolutely first rate.
Tom Brody | Berkeley, CA | 05/08/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"JIMMY NEUTRON CONFUSION FUSION is a compilation of 9 stories. The stories concern a group of middle school kids, Jimmy Neutron's parents, and the schoolteacher Miss Fowl. Jimmy Neutron is a genius. Jimmy has two side-kicks, Carl and Sheen. Carl is a plump hypochondriac with a charming whimpiness, an affection for llamas, and a need for tender loving care. Sheen is a normal, likeable, active child, who likes action toys. Sheen typically makes mistakes in arithmetic or grammar, and is essentially oblivious to his tendency to making these errors. Cindy Vortex is Jimmy's nemesis. Jimmy and Cindy sometimes compete for making better classroom presentations. Jimmy's father is a henpecked husband with an affection for pies. He makes amusing statements and does amusing things that are generally not of interest to anybody else. Jimmy's mother has a domineering personality. When she makes a decision, the father goes along with it, and sometimes pretends that the decision had been his own (This is the reversal of the parental roles in LEAVE IT TO BEAVER. In LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, the father is authoritarian, while the mother is subservient.)
(1) WHEN PANTS ATTACK. Jimmy Neutron climbs aboard a walking machine and strides down the main street at night. His buddy Carl sits in the rumble seat of the walking machine. When Jimmy gets home, his mother threatens to punish him because he never puts his pants away. "You have to learn to pick up your pants. Pants don't pick themselves up," scolds the mother. The mother threatens to prevent him from going to the movies with his friends.
Excellent visuals include bright light coming from Jimmy's microscope, brightly illuminating his eyes and parts of his face, in the same manner as found with a real light microscope. And so, Jimmy invents pants that pick themselves up. Jimmy's father realizes that the issue of not picking up the pants has disappeared, and the issue of punishing Jimmy by not letting Jimmy go to the movies has disappeared -- and so, the father exclaims, "Let's have pie!" But a problem is that Jimmy's engineered pants escape, and promote an uprising by all of the pants in a blue jeans store. The blue jeans threaten to take over the town. The plot of WHEN PANTS ATTACK is a bit too far-fetched. THREE STARS.
(2) NORMAL BOY. Jimmy makes a machine that sucks oranges off trees and makes orange juice. But the machine accidentally goes into reverse, and sucks all the appliances out of Jimmy Neutron's home, and sends them to outer space. At school, Jimmy opens his locker using an eye-recognition device. In class, at show & tell, Carl displays his invention. Carl's invention, which is actually an ordinary hot dog bun, is called a "Versa-Bun." Jimmy displays his invention, which is a pair of hovering plates that float above his desk. Cindy Vortex displays her invention, which is a model of Mt.Vesuvius which erupts chocolate. But for reasons that are not made completely clear, Jimmy tires of being a genius, and he connects himself up to a machine that turns him into a simpleton. Unfortunately, an asteroid hurtles towards the earth. The threatening asteroid was a consequence of the household appliances being shot into space. The U.S. government asks Jimmy Neutron to save the earth, but he cannot, because he has become a simpleton. He holds his tongue, and speaks a stupid sentence (many children will know the simpleton's trick of holding the tongue and saying, "My father is the captain of a pirate ship). At the last minute, Jimmy connects himself to the stupid-making machine, and his intelligence returns. He becomes smart again. He climbs into his rocket, and with the use of magnetism, drives the asteroid away. THREE STARS.
(3) BIRTH OF A SALESMAN. Jimmy invents little books that can be chewed like gum, that provide you with all the knowledge in the book. Sheen chews the book corresponding to MOBY DICK, and observes that it tastes fishy, and he begins to recite the opening words of MOBY DICK. Cindy Vortex chews gum that tastes like fried chicken, and she begins to recite GONE WITH THE WIND, in a southern accent. Then, the school has a contest of candy selling. Jimmy is not able to sell any candy, because his sales pitch dwells too much on just a recitation of facts about the candy. In contrast, Cindy Vortex plays upon the emotions of each customer. Her friend Libby sits on the roof of a house tossing down artificial snowflakes, and Cindy pretends that she is a homeless orphan stranded in the snow. Cindy succeeds and is able to make a sale of candy. She changes character immediately, and exclaims, "CASH ONLY!" Jimmy then invents a robot salesman. The robot salesman is pushy and obnoxious. (While parts of BIRTH OF A SALESMAN are very clever, I found the second half of this episode to be irritating.) TWO STARS.
(4) THE BIG PINCH. The story begins with a classroom argument between Jimmy Neutron and Cindy Vortex about the invention of radio. Cindy argues that Marconi should be considered the father of radio. "How could Marconi have invented the radio in 1870, if Edison invented electricity 12 years later," argues Jimmy. To get to the bottom of things, Jimmy uses a time machine to import Thomas A. Edison to the present. Edison sees a light bulb and exclaims, "Where I come from that's copyright infringement." This statement refers to the fact that a manufacturer in the present-day United States manufactured the light bulb without licensing one of Edison's patents. (The script at this point in the story made a mistake. Edison should have exclaimed, "That's patent infringement.") At any rate, Edison corrects Cindy and tells her that the radio was not invented until 1893.
But Edison takes a liking to Miss Fowl, the homely schoolteacher. She is homely because her nose is like a toucan's beak, because she has a speech impediment that makes her squawk, and because she has warts with hairs growing out of them. Miss Fowl's feelings are mutual, and the two go on a date at an ice cream parlor, and they both sip from the same milk shake. But a problem is that electrical appliances start to disappear. They disappear, because Edison's continued residence in the present time, causes his activities in the past to be lesser and lesser. (This same theme occurred in BACK TO THE FUTURE, with Michael J. Fox, where various people started to disappear from a photograph.) At any rate, Jimmy tells Edison that he must return to the past. But Edison refuses because he smitten with love for Miss Fowl. "I like this new fangled world of yours," exclaims Edison. Jimmy uses a remote control microphone to direct insults to Miss Fowl, using Edison's voice. This causes Miss Fowl to become angry at Thomas Edison. But Edison discovers that it was a trick. "Well, knock 100 points off my IQ and call me Tesla," exclaims Edison at one point. This refers to an actual controversy between Nicola Tesla and Edison. Tesla invented ALTERNATING CURRENT, and advocated its use for electrical transmission lines. But Edison was an advocate of DIRECT CURRENT. The controversy was a fierce one. In fact, Thomas Edison kidnapped dogs in various towns, and had them executed in public with ALTERNATING CURRENT. This was one of Edison's tactics for convincing the public to adopt DIRECT CURRENT. Of course, Edison was mistaken on this particular issue. Please see, TESLA:MAN OUT OF TIME by Margaret Cheney.
Both Edison and Miss Fowl come to their senses and agree that they would not make a compatible couple. Miss Fowl provides a charming speech about how she is a free spirit, and cannot get married. FIVE STARS.
(5) BROBOT. The story begins with Carl and Jimmy watching a TV show. "You are watching a show on the llama channel, WHEN GOOD LLAMAS GO BAD." At supper, Jimmy's father acts like a fool, saying, "Who wants to see the salt and pepper dance?" He jiggles the salt and pepper shakers about, making them dance. The character of Jimmy's father has the habit of doing things that are amusing to him only, and not to anybody else. Jimmy asks his parents to give him a sibling. This embarrasses the parents. "That's enough, I want pie," exclaims the father, trying to change the subject. And so, Jimmy makes a robot brother called, "brobot." Unfortunately, brobot wins the affections of Jimmy's parents, leaving Jimmy neglected and downcast. Brobot gets toothpaste smeared over his face. Jimmy's father thinks this to be cute, and exclaims that a photo of brobot with the smeared toothpaste would make a great Christmas card. Jimmy tries to get rid of brobot by various methods, but they fail. Eventually, Jimmy invents a pair of robot parents, and they take brobot away to live on the moon. FOUR STARS.
(6) TIME IS MONEY. Sheen, Carl, and Jimmy watch a TV program about brain anatomy, but Sheen and Carl are bored. Carl states that he'd rather be covered by bees, as he takes a dose from his inhaler. Then, there is an advertisement for ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFINITE KNOWLEDGE. But Sheen doesn't care for it, saying, "That's so crazy, because I so don't want it." Jimmy asks his parents to buy the set of expensive books. "We all want things, I'd like to have a 6 foot duck sculpture and a year's supply of pies," says Jimmy's father, explaining why he can't afford the encyclopedia. The father then mentions that when he was about 20 years old, he had an opportunity to get rich, by investing $50 in McSpanky's burger factory. And so, Jimmy decides to go back in time with his friends, Sheen and Carl. They visit Jimmy's 20-year old father, who happens to be a disco-hippie. The father wears love beads and listens to music by the Bee Gees. Carl greets Jimmy's father with, "KLATU BARADA NIKTO," a statement used to communicate with an alien robot, from the movie THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Jimmy then takes the father aside, and convinces him to invest the $50 in the burger factory. Then, Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen, return to the future where they discover that Jimmy's parents have become wealthy, but also aloof. Carl accidentally bumps into Jimmy's mother, and she exclaims, "Oh, be careful, that's my credit card hand," Jimmy's parents don't have time for Jimmy, and they call Jimmy's friends weird. Then, Jimmy Neutron goes to his room, to discover an entire set of ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFINITE KNOWLEDGE. But Jimmy prefers that things were how they once were, so he goes back to the past, persuades the father to not invest the $50, and when he returns, everything is back to normal. Happy ending. FIVE STARS.
(7) GRANNY. Jimmy's mother sees the father lifting heavy luggage. "Oh no you don't Mr.Muscle. If you hurt your back you'll be no use." This is a scene typical in many households where there is a middle aged husband, attempting to demonstrate that he is invincible. Jimmy's grandmother comes to visit, but Jimmy gets tired of hearing about her age-related health problems. And so, Jimmy feeds her a youth lotion and she gets turned into an infant. "Where did you get the diaper," Jimmy asks the infant granny. "I was already wearing one," replies the infant granny. Jimmy takes the infant granny across the street to Cindy Vortex's house, so that she and Libby can change the diaper. Granny makes a joke about the Teletubbies, referring to them instead as "Videotubbies," and jokes about their head aerials spinning. Much of this episode is spent trying to hide the infant granny from townspeople, who are suspicious of a talking infant. Eventually, Jimmy feeds the infant an aging potion, and it becomes a normally elderly granny again. But Carl Wheezer comes along, and accidentally drinks some potion, and gets turned into an obese old man. In the concluding second of this episode, Carl and Granny do a ballroom dancing step together. FIVE STARS.
(8) JIMMY ON ICE. The story opens with an unbearably hot summer. Cindy and Libby are in a swimming pool cooling off. Jimmy takes the matter into his own hands, and inspired by Carl's sun lotion, decides to shoot quantities of sun lotion into the sky. This succeeds in cooling down the neighborhood, but it goes to far, and it causes an ice age. Cindy's pool freezes, and we see the poor girl shivering. Jimmy's father decides to take up a spear and go hunting for caribou with two other fathers. Jimmy eventually realizes that he can get rid of the sunblock by shooting a salt solution into the sky. Since all of the water in the neighborhood is frozen, Jimmy realizes that a viable source of salt water is sweat. And so, Jimmy has Carl and two other people exercise in order to produce huge quantities of sweat. Jimmy shoots an aerosol of the sweat into the sky, and the sunblock dissipates, and warm temperatures return. FIVE STARS.
(9) BATTLE OF THE BAND. The story centers on a school talent show. Cindy and Libby have a clogging act. But Jimmy Neutron decides to start a rock'n'roll band, even though he and his friends cannot play anything. Jimmy has rigged up the instruments, so that they can read the thoughts of the person holding the instrument. But the band falls into internal strife. They argue about who is the band's leader. They argue about who gets to do a solo. They argue about the donuts not being dolphin-safe donuts. Eventually, in the commotion, all the band's instruments get chucked out the window. Miss Fowl introduces the band as, "LLAMA LORDS OF SCIENCE." But the band cannot perform, since they have no instruments. Instead, the three boys decide upon an act -- blowing a huge snot bubble. They succeed in blowing a snot bubble on stage, but come in last. Cindy and Libby come in first with their clogging act. The story concludes with the three boys deciding to become friends again. The music is by Charlie Brissette. Mr.Brissette's music is very interesting, and somewhat similar to that of mid-career Devo. FIVE STARS.