Under the white guy "everyman" exterior lurks one of the cleverest original comedians of today. An established star in standup comedy and a frequent guest on the late shows of David Letterman and Conan O'Brien, Jim Gaffiga... more »n is a noted actor as well, from comedic turns in Super Troopers, That 70s Show and Sex and the City to dramatic roles in dozens of films and TV dramas. But here his unique comedy persona takes over -- cantankerous but endearing, clean but cutting, with an irrepressible "inside voice" that keeps wickedly popping out - to the delight of the audience in Chicago's historic Vic Theater. And now you can share their guffaws.« less
"I caught this twice on TV and both times was laughing so hard it hurt. I just had to buy it so I could show it to more people. We must watch it at home at least a couple times a month now, and show it to everyone we can. Gaffigan is a genius in this: he is so funny, discusses so many common themes for his jokes (laziness, eating) with only a couple insinuating jokes that might be innappropriate, otherwise very clean-cut and not filled with bad language like so many other comedians. I am so glad I bought this, it has been so worth it and gotten so much time from my DVD player. We are always quoting from this, just so much of it is so true! You will love it and not be sad you spent the small price to buy it. There are some cute special features too, but the routine is the best part."
"Do I sit in it or eat it? I guess I could sit in it AND eat
Jess | Texas, USA | 09/07/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Jim Gaffigan is one of the best comedians I've seen in a long time. His jokes are great and fun for the whole family.
Jim Gaffigan manages to entertain and produce good quality comedy without resorting to sex jokes and dirty language. That's not to say crude humor can't tickle my funny bone just as well, but it's refreshing to listen to Jim Gaffigan's routine and not worry about offending the folks. =)
The bonus features on this DVD are sub-par, but the actual stand-up is great and well-worth the money. I highly reccomend this to all comedy fans, young and old."
J. Stein | NJ, USA | 03/16/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This guy is the best comedian I've ever seen and I've seen 'em all. I drove out to Pittsburgh and listened to his CD for 10 straight hours, then bought the DVD the day I got back and watched it 3 times that week. I just can't get enough. My friends and I are still quoting him non-stop, 2 months later. His 'inner voice' is priceless! I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes to laugh, I've been recommending it to all of my friends as well."
Dolores G. Llamas | Glendale, CA, United States | 02/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I didn't see this dvd, but did catch the special on Comedy Central last night. At first I was gonna change the channel, and was so glad I didn't. I loved his stuff about Hot Pockets, funny funny funny!! I absolutely LOVED his Inside Voice... "Hey, I like the IHOP!" "He's a crackhead!" "His pants look dirty." "Baloney hater!" "He better not!" One thing I really appreciated about his act was that it's clean, not vulgar or profane. It's something you can enjoy with your kids or elderly family members and not get embarrassed watching it. Humor in Hot Pockets, who knew?!"
Surprising humor!
M. Dabney | Guthrie, OK | 02/09/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We caught this special on Comedy Central last night - we NEVER watch this channel because most of the time comedians can't do an act without interjecting some sort of profanity. But, we were so glad we stopped to hear this truly original and so very funny man! From his bit about the different holidays to the hot pocket joke - we laughed so hard we were hurting! Our favorite thing he does is to say out loud what some in the audience might be thinking...he surprises you with it, but always does it in the same voice so you catch on to what he's doing. We thoroughly enjoyed this program...so much I'm here reviewing what others read because I'm planning to purchase it as a gift for my husband!"