A college art class is given a bizarre assignment--they are each given part of a mannequin which they must decorate according to their own personal fears. They then reassemble the pieces and dub the resulting figure "Jigsa... more »w." During a drunken celebration, the students burn the figure as an effigy--but somewhere along the line, Jigsaw is given the gift of life and rises to brutally slaughter its creators in murders that mirror their own designs.« less
"great indie horror film. Its kinda cheesy in parts but very entertaining. also has a great soundtrack! Includes a song from Washington DC indie rockers [velvet]. Highly recommended. You can also order this DVD through Tempevideo.com"
Bizarre, but fairly good
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 09/10/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As a class assignment, some college students are each given a piece of a mannequin which they are to decorate with something personal, or that at least says something about them. Then it is reassembled and they tell the stories behind what they did. This is done at a bar as everyone is getting very drunk. The stories turn out to be rather interesting. It could have easily slipped into melodrama, but it manages to instead be quite dramatic. Anyhow, the mannequin comes to life and begins stalking and killing them.
The characters really make this movie, they are very realistic and, with the exception of the uber-obnoxious ingrate, they manage to be rather sympathetic. The action (killings) are rather uninteresting, as there is little suspense and no gore. However, the Tawny character is absolutely fabulous to look at, she does an extremely sleazy dance at the bar, and then strips to her undies for a few minutes. Her character is also really screwed up, real Jerry Springer show material, but still she's interesting and realistic. There's also another girl in a tube top that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. And the main heroine gets stripped to her undies at the end. I call that good film making.
As a bonus, you get the movie Totem on this disk as well (at least it was on my copy). It's a slow moving, zero budget horror movie about 6 teenagers who are mysteriously drawn to a cabin out in the woods. There are some demon dolls involved that want 3 of the kids to kill the other 3 so that they may bring the dead back to life and perhaps take over the world or something. It manages to be vaguely entertaining. There's also a commentary track for Jigsaw. I only listened to the first few minutes of it, and rather bizarrely they seem to have every gaffer, best boy and perhaps even the caterer on the track. I'm looking forward to giving it a listen at some later date.
Low budget, but high entertainment!
Stanley Hetz | Smithfield, PA | 05/08/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really enjoyed this movie. The girls were hot. The story was interesting. The students of a college class puts together "Jigsaw," a mannequin that comes to life, and hacks them up to pieces. This isn't Shakespear. It's better!"
I love this movie. it's so cool
Nate | IL | 02/03/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Jigsaw is one of the coolest psychological thrillers ever. Most people will call it a horror movie, but it's more than that. It's not just a monster hacking away at horny teenagers. You get to know the characters very well and you actually care for most of them. I was at the world premeier and met all the actors. it was fun. I highly recomend you guys buy this movie. it rocks! Even though the horror and scary stuff dosn't happen until the last 35 minutes, it's still really good. The first half is also interesting. It explains the characters backrounds and such before they are set to slaughter, it's actually kind of intersting. My favorite character was Tawny, she was the cutest and the best. I hope she becomes famous one day."
A Bit Disappointed
S.M. | Louisiana | 02/23/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As a lover of horror movies, I purchased this movie expecting more and expecting gore. Although some scenes were cool, overall this movie was boring at times and there was poor acting. College students are asked to put together a mannequin which they called Jigsaw. After burning Jigsaw, he comes to life and starts killing them off one by one. A few good killing scenes but overall, a disappointing movie. Rent it, don't buy it!"