The Best 80s Toon You've NEVER Heard Of...
J. Blaine | 01/27/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors" was one of my favorite 80s animated series. It's right up there with "ThunderCats" -- that good! But "Jayce" was rather overlooked compared to the likes of "ThunderCats", "He-Man", "She-Ra", "Voltron" and many other good animated series of that decadent decade.
"Jayce" has very good storytelling for starters: the basic premise is about a scientist named Audric (Jayce's father) who nearly succeded with ending starvation and hunger in vast star systems with the creation of genetically-engineered vegetation. Out of the blue, a cosmic explosion occurs and causes Audric's creations to wildly mutate into creatures with evil brains (called Monster Minds). Audric had to flee his laboratory with one half of a magical relic called "The Root" (Jayce somehow has the other half) that, when fused, would revert the evil creations and their machinations back to harmless vegetation. Jayce, with the help of an old and wise wizard named Gillian, an empathic girl named Flora, and an intergalactic traveling merchant named Herc Stormsailor, sets out to search for his father before the Monster Minds take over the universe. And I can't forget Jayce's little companion, a robot squire named Oon who believes his lance is "magic" (which adds a degree of cuteness to what is otherwise dramatic and thrilling stories).
"Jayce" was among J. Michael Strasyncski's ("of "Babylon 5" fame) first major efforts at sci-fi storytelling and was also co-producer of this series. It also has great music by Shuki Levy and Haim Saban (some of the most talented musicians for animated fare), and is pretty nicely animated by DIC (the creators of "M.A.S.K.", "Inspector Gadget" and "Where On Earth is Carmen Sandiego?).
I think "Jayce" is a timeless series and is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, especially if you are a fan of 80s toons, or any 80s TV program for that matter."
About time it came out in full seasons
Kid Prometheus | The "I ain't welcome on this here private land" ar | 02/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently purchased the rag-tag collection of 3 episodes plus a "bonus" 4th, but that was a year ago and it was the only bit of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors availible. Now finally we get to see the whole first season with all the characters we remembered in the 80's. I remember this being my favorite cartoon on TV at that time and aside from Transformers, nothing else mattered. Jayce is a Luke Skywalker rip-off but who cares? His unique land vehicle command is what makes him unigue. In additon to the Thundercats, this is the other animation DVD I have been waiting to purchase. Herc the Jerc is the likable character as in Han Solo clone, yet he is awesome as a horseback rider and has some other qualities Han Solo didn't. Odviously, Herc was voiced by a guy experienced in D.J. radio or a sports caster as his voice is that quality. Jayce's side-kick Oone is a miniture cavalier who is annoying more than funny. Flora is a young plant/human girl hybrid and the fish named Broc, is even weirder. The wizard utilises magic and science in equal measure proving they are one(as in ether I suppose). Other characters(NPCs) are more interesting in these tapes than in the mere foursome collction I was milked for, where mostly the regulars appeared. I assume the rest of the series will soon be out! Don't settle for "difinitive collections" but seasons."