2 Aerobic Workouts. — This video from Miami South Beach resident Janis Saffell has great variety?both step aerobics and creative hi/lo aerobics. To grab your step, or not, is the only question here. Workout #1 has a 5-minut... more »e warm up and unique step moves that alternate on and off the step. Workout #2 is an absolutely jammin' hi/lo aerobics session with style, flare and attitude to spare, followed by a "South Beach Slam" cool down. Mix and match, and enjoy the variety! Janis is known world-wide for her innovative workouts and presentations. She is accredited by AFAA, ACE, NASM and AAA/I. She is a featured star of ESPN 2,and star of 19 top-rated fitness videos. She is also the sports wear designer for Couture Active Wear. Janis Saffell is Fitness expert for QVC, Shape, Fitness, Self, and Fit magazines.
I have had this dvd for one month and have done the routine at least once a week, if not more. I still don't have the routine down. It's a very dancy routine, which I like, however it is very hard to follow. The camera does not give you enough time after the calls are made to watch what the instructor is doing and repeat it. The camera is everywhere besides her feet. Sven so, I still sweat profusely and will continue to do this routine when I can't get to the gym.
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Movie Reviews
Not up to her usual standards
Sheri | Boston, MA | 07/17/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is one big disappointment. There are simply too many negatives to this video--don't waste your money! I was surprised to find that this was so poorly done, compared to the 3 other Saffell videos I own and use regularly.
The production is so poorly done, half the time you can't hear what she's saying. The volume and quality of her voice vary with her moves, so at times it's muffled. The lighting is awful and the camera changes angles so frequently it's impossible to see what they're doing, nevermind follow it. It looks very amateurish.
Usually Janis gives too much instruction and too many demo's before picking up the pace. Here it's the opposite---we go right into complicated moves with little instruction and even less practice. So frustrating it's no fun.
Janis is capable of much, much better than this."
Dancy highly coreographed workout but fun!
Freyja Gabois | Vacationland (Maine) United States | 07/08/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Janice Saffell is one of my favorite workout instructors. She gives high quality, fun workouts at a great price and her attitude makes you want to continue the workout after it's over!
This video is no different, except that the moves are much more complicated than her usual videos. It will take quite a few times through before you learn the moves and stop getting tripped up. I am a klutz and I also hate "dancy" moves but I did enjoy this workout. I still get tripped up and I haven't mastered all the moves but nonetheless I'm drenched in sweat and feel like I had a fun workout come the end.
You'll need an aerobic step for this video. I use my firm box but any step that is rectangular (or even no step for beginners although this modification is not shown) will do.
This workout is approximately 60 minutes. It starts with a 5 minute warm up with minimal stretching (you may want to pause it and stretch out some more). It then goes on to a high paced on and off the step cardio workout for 25 minutes. You'll learn a series of moves which become more dancy and complicated (or you can stick to the beginner moves although this is not shown by any of the crew). You'll need a lot of space for this workout. There are a lot of mambos and turn step combos. The second 25 minute cardio section is a floor routine without the step. Again, you'll need a lot of space. You'll be taught the beginner move then Janis will show you once the more complicated move then you are expected to follow her and her crew. She'll add on until you have a routine. The routine is complicated but fun and has a lot of spunk. It will probably take you a few times to master this routine because it is so complicated. A lot of the moves are mambos and turns. At the end is a 5 minute cooldown/stretch.
I give this 4 stars because it is so complicated to follow at first and because a lot of the moves are "turn moves" in which you won't be able to watch Janis on the screen. Also, the production cameras change frequently and do fancy screen shots so it's hard to figure out what the heck the crew is doing. Once you figure it out though it's a great little workout. If you love dance or if you are looking for a workout that is different than most of the step/floor cardio workouts, this is it! I highly recommend Janis' other workouts as well."
Somewhat complicated routine and awful video quality
Reviewer | Chicago, IL | 01/31/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This video appears as though it's a home video taken of an aerobics class at a gym. The sound is horrible - I have to turn the volume way up to hear what she's saying, and as for the music - it sounds like it's coming from a boombox in the back of the room. The picture quality is pretty poor too - much like an amateur home video would look. What is also really irritating is that in one of the parts where she adds a very complicated part to a routine, the camera angle shifts, and you can't see what her feet are doing at all! And it stays this way for several minutes. The routine is somewhat complicated, but I think I could learn it after a few times doing it. It seems like a pretty good workout in terms of the impact - I was able to keep up most of the time, and I worked up a good sweat. It's just a shame that it was shot so poorly."
Too Hard To Follow
Cicily Nestor | Miami, Florida | 12/08/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I like Janis I would kill for her body, but I thought this video was too hard to follow. She gave decent directions and cues .. I guess but I thought the Choreography was too complicated and I kept tripping over my step. I've only done this video 3 times and I think I will give it away to someone under 30."