Jackie Mason is more popular than ever, as he combines lethal political satire with his own unique observations about everyday life. This is Jackie Masonor=#ffffff>Jackie Mason is more popular than ever, as he combines ... more »lethal political satire with his own unique observations about everyday life. This is Jackie Mason?s first one-man Broadway show, which played to sold-out standing-room-only crowds for two years and was a phenomenal success on its American and European tours. This show earned Mr. Mason a special Tony award for outstanding theatrical achievement in 1989 as well as his first Outer Critics Circle Award, ACE Award, Emmy Award, and Grammy nomination. Once in a generation a performer emerges who is so extraordinary and so brilliant that everyone else in the field is measured against them. Jackie Mason is such a performer, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest stand-up comics of all time. Praise for Jackie Mason: "From beginning to end?non-stop laughter?The man is a marvel!" ?New York Times "?Jackie Mason offers something to offend?and amuse?everyone." ?Daily News "One of the funniest performers alive?If Mark Twain had grown up on Manhattan?s Lower East Side, he might have turned out a lot like Jackie Mason." ?New York Post "His timing is flawless?Positively hilarious?Save yourself the drive to Monticello. The mountains have come to Manhattan." ?New York Magazine "Jackie Mason is funny, sensational, and outrageous!" ?New York Newsday "He?s the funniest man alive." ?USA Today« less
"This is an outstanding hour of comedy. I disagree with one of the other reviewers about its production values because, with stand-up comics, production values are totally irrelevant. All that really matters with comedians is the quality of their material. If the material's great then it doesn't matter if there are any frills or whistles. This hour is better than the average Jackie Mason and it's distilled. There are few pauses and the DVD accelerates his delivery by breaking his performance into acts which takes out a lot of dead air time. This performance is probably about twenty years old, and I'm not sure he'd have the same things to say today about Ronald Reagan that he did back then. Regardless of a changed perspective, he puts forth some absolutely hysterical stuff here."
What are you saying?
Steve Erwin | Los Angeles | 03/17/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The material in this concert is some of Jackie's most successful and popular. Unfortunately, the production values of the recording are abysmal. The performance is 5 stars. Unfortunately, you will have a difficult time appreciating this.
Save your money and buy "Broadway", "Trilogy" or the the other DVD"s which boast outstanding production values."
Jackie Mason, The King of Comedy
Yasha Banana | 01/07/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is about a Jackie, actually I thought it was about a jockey. Some guy stands up, makes a nice living, doesn't need a partner, and we all laugh our asses off.
I'd invest in it. Which are words, I'll tell you the truth, I never should said to my goyische cup brother-in-law.
Hey, but let me tell you something, I kinow who I am. This guy over here in the second row -- doesn't know who he is. Sends himself an e-mail, never gets it.
You understand what I'm saying? ... Mister?
But seriously, I have the utmost respect for people from all walks of life. Because it's not in my nature, not in my character, not in my being, to abuse or mistreat or talk dirty or disrespectfully about any people, of any race, color or creed. ... Except you. And the hooker sitting next to you.
Oh, is that your wife? Lovely woman. Jewish? And she knows where the kitchen is?
Mazel tov!
(Runs his fingers over his ear.) No but I'll tell you though, everything nowadays is sex. Sex, sex, sex. So it's a nice department store, personally I can live without it, I shop at Macy's.
People tell me, Jackie get married. But why should I? Last week, every night of the week, I went out with a beautiful curly-headed woman. A different one every night. ... No hair, just seven women all with curly heads.
I have to go now but before I do I want to thank each and everyone of you for making me a hit. But I'm such a big hit now why should I spend time with a lowlife crowd like you?
And remember, whether you're a Gentile or a Jew, white or black, rich or poor, we're all brothers. ... Except you, mister. Get out! You I don't like altogether!
I hope he never dies
Dennis Alweiss | 08/20/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I think J.M. is the funniest man in my time. Quick mind and doesn't go overboard like Rickles. However, I wish he did't use profanity. There are many people I won't recommend it to.
Dennis Alweiss"
F O R.....W A S P.....W A N N A B E E S......L I K E......M
Patricia | Queens, New York, USA | 07/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
For My Friends and Relatives:
A few years ago, my mom and I were discussing various other members of our family. I guess I said a few uncomplimentary things, because my mother said: "You don't like your family!" I replied with some of the most serious, truest words I had ever said to anyone: "I LOVE my family. I just wish they weren't Jewish."
To some, these words may sound funny -- almost Woody Allen-ish, (or Jackie Masonic). But to me, they are not funny. They are deadly serious words that scream "truth" from my subconscious. Being Jewish, to me, makes all the sense of being a "canary in a coal mine," -- one of "God's Chosen Victims", as it were. Call me weird -- but I don't want to be a canary! I want to be a swan! Prejudice aside, there is also the little matter of the strictures and limitations Judaism "obligates" one to have and do. I have never seen the sense, for instance, in missing my favourite TV shows because it's Yom Kippur....or Passover...or the Sabbath, etc. Eating pork doesn't harm people who aren't Jewish! And does it not say in the US Constitution that "All Men, (and presumably, all women as well), Are Created Equal"? Judaism would have Jews to be holy, and Gentiles to be righteous. Cannot both BE both? Also, I have read about the dictum that "every Jewish man is a king, and every Jewish woman is a Queen." Balony! I myself like to write fantasy -- but I know the difference between fantasy and reality! Kings and queens of what, may I ask? And if this is true....the world sure has had a very strange way of respecting these "kings" and "queens" -- throughout history! "Assination"---of body, and of character, has long been the tragedy of too many of these Jewish "Kings" and "Queens". This religious dictum is naught but poppycock! And I really hate for the people in my family -- people I truly respect and truly, truly love, to be subjected to even the possibilty of "assassination"....character or otherwise. Of course, their lives are their own...and they can obviusly lead them their own way. I just want to be able to live MY own life, MY own way. Also -- up till this year -- when I learnt that someone else who is Jewish, is fullfilling MY lifelong heart's desire -- by marrying an English Lord this coming September -- I always thought my being Jewish, would TOTALLY preclude my achieving this life-long, (and very strong), desire. Not even converting would help -- would it? I am happy to say that the young lady who is to marry the English Lord this September has a father who, though Jewish, does not "practice" the religion into which he was born. I surmise his daughter does likewise...... Hooray!
No -- Judaism does NOT agree with me. And I do not agree with it! I have great respect for those who WANT to be Jewish -- just as I have respect for those who want to follow ANY other religion. But for myself, I am an Agnostic -- believing in God, but in no particular religion -- for me, anyway. (Of course, if a Protestant, Catholic, or Moslem HRH were to ask me to marry them, I'd change my religion very fast. Even if a Jewish desendant of King David -- who would restore Israel to a Monarchy, would ask me to marry him, I might, indeed, (THEN), become Jewish. But right now, Judaism seems to be denying me my life-long dream...as well as many other things, like peace of mind. I continue to love and respect ALL of my relatives, but Judaism, for so many reasons, continues to turn me off. I hope they may understand this, and, as well, understand the review, below.......
My mom wanted to watch this show, when it was first shown on TV,
and I felt I had to join her -- not because she was forcing me,
but because I have always DETESTED Jewish culture, and wanted to
"go into the lion's den" and find out WHY.
I've done this before, with other Jewishly-themed programs -- to
no success. Here, however, I stuck GOLD! Mr. Mason delineates
the differences between Gentile and Jewish culture, giving a list
of what Gentile culture admires. (I believe he gives a list of
the hallmarks of Jewish culture, too -- but as I am totally
uninterested in this, I didn't write it down.) However, I DID
write down all the things that connote Gentile culture -- including
physical perfection, loving the ballet, looking like a statue, never
getting sick, getting out of a chair easily, laughing easily,
looking like you have worked on a farm, eating at croweded restaurants without asking what the price of the
food is, choosing food from a menu without being concerned as to
what it is, making decorations out of food, and being agressive. I have kept this list of traits
carefully in a notebook, and have tried to emulate and assimilate
Yes, assimilation IS MY salvation! And -- although I know Mr.
Mason's intention in this performance was NOT to teach wannabee-
WASPS how to act and, perhaps, think the way real WASPS do, he
has, willy-nilly, succeeded in this, by listing so many (wonderful!)
Gentile characteristics!
Thank you, Mr. Mason. For me, you have succeeded in giving me what
I wnat, beyond my fondest dreams, (and, I daresay, your own worst
nightmares!) But thanks! I am SO grateful! And I DO mean it!