More of a haha rather then AWWWWWWWWW!
Bob Rob | Florida, MO USA | 12/07/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this movie was pretty funny, i watched it like 5 times, and it gets funnier every time you watch it...if you wanna find out how to get into this...the plot, a guy get some drug in him and hes gets all strong and stuff....its nothing great....."
Vinster | Jersey City, New Jersey | 09/16/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I put this film on & though I'd be in for a wild ride after the openeing "jackhammer to the face" scene, alas, it turned into a story of a drug addict simply out of his mind. The plot (was there one?) had more holes than I can count on my fingers (if only I had more fingers!). When a movie uses the typical "one year earlier" and "one year later" movie conventions, you know there isn't much to look forward to. But, you may ask, why would anyone concentrate on plot-lines when the movie is titled "jackhammer massacre". Well, if I were to give you the attention deficit disorder review, it would be as follows: druggie kills man with jackhammer, flash back 1 year, show that he once had a job and did recreational drugs with a firend, flash forward 1 year and he's a druggie security guard for some non-descript warehouse, nothing much happens up until this time (which about now clocks in at over 1 hour), then the film comes to a close with people coming to clear out the warehouse he works at (this includes his concerned sister). Now that their are people in his midst at the warehouse, the killing begins, but at this point, you just want it to end, even if the body count rises. I would have been better off sorting my laundry or picking at unhealed scabs than to have watched this (sigh). What a fool I am!- to think, being a horror movie fan, that I could get some enjoyment. (It wasn't even "Bad" in a good way)."