Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O and the entire crew from the popular MTV franchise return in the most insane DVD of the year, jackass number two. Available in both rated and "too hot for theaters" unrated versions,... more » jackass number two pushes the limits with all-new stunts, pants-wetting practical jokes, fun with bears, bees, snakes, bulls, sharks?and other REALLY bad ideas.« less
Had a few funny moments but could do without the super crude stuff, which elevated in Vol. 2. Luckily, there is a chapter to chapter for each Jacka$$ scene so you can hit the next scene button. Problem solved.
Movie Reviews
Good Clean Violent Gay Fun
Chris Roberts | Astoria, NY | 10/01/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I liked "Jackass" and I liked this new one even better. What Johnny Knoxville and his merry band of idiots have done brilliantly is use this countries political correctness against them. They know what is funny far better than the PC crowd. Terrorists, funny. Naked grandmas, funny. People hurting themselves, funny. For years we have been adding things to our "Not Funny" list and thus eliminating them from our movies. That means that our multiplexes are filling up with toothless, light-hearted films masquerading as comedies. In an ad for this film a crowded theater filled with people engaging in uproarious laughter is showed. Then the ad asks when the last time was that you had an experience like that. My guess is that it wasn't during "Rumor Has It," or "Big Momma's House 2," or "Just My Luck." So the way I see it the Jackass gang is reminding us what it's like to laugh. Or put another way, they're bringing funny back.
That is not to say that all of their stunts are golden. Some, such as the medicine ball dodge ball, seem uninspired. Others were too much for me to handle. I could've lived without the leech on the eyeball, and the fish hook, and especially the horse milk. But without trying everything they may never have come across more hilarious ones such as the puppet show and the bungee jump. The best were the pranks with Spike Jonze as a naked grandma and Johnny Knoxville as a bad grandpa. The one where the bad grandpa gets in a fight with a "hippie" over his parenting technique was divine. And I ask you, who is the real jackass in that stunt, Knoxville or the nosy pedestrian who is being Punk'd? I also think Knoxville should get some credit for holding this film together. His flair for theatrics has gotten better since the original, probably due to his movie star experiences. And that cackling laughter of his works the same way as a laugh track on a sitcom. I mean if the guy with his arm in the bear trap is having the time of his life then why aren't you? I did feel at times that the directing was too polished. It should have been grittier so as not to nullify the pain these people were in.
If all stupid movies were as much fun as this one I would never complain about the dumbing down of Hollywood. I can't remember the last time 95 minutes went by so quickly. I do wonder if parents still think video games are quite as harmful as they used to. Back in the day playing outside meant tossing the football around with the neighbors. Today it means riding a shopping cart into a brick wall. I would never have the nerves of steel, or desire, to swim with sharks, but I had a blast watching these guys do it. Finally, I would like to officially state that I will be first in line as soon as they make number 3 (whatever that means). ***3/4
Get yourself a good lawyer
Gunner | Bethlehem,Georgia | 02/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Jackass II: The Movie
Jackass II: The Movie is made up even more outrageous dumb, mindless pranks you'd expect of an infantile college fraternity without any adult supervision.
The movie including the DVD is not without merit, however. If you still have an annoying neighbor with teenage boys this might make an ideal Christmas present. You'd want to give it anonymously, of course.
Sure there are warnings throughout the movie DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME. You and I both know that a teenage boy is going to ignore those and try them anyway. That's where the anonymity comes in handy, Nobody can sue you.
Highly recommended for people with annoying teenage boys as neighbors and for any teenage boy you just don't like very much.
Gunner February, 2008
Funniest movie EVER!!!!!!!!
Chris Roberts | 09/30/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Saying this movie was really funny is an understatement to how funny this movie really is. This movie will have u laugh, cringe and make you throw up in a good way all at the same time. Now like people who saw the movie said there are definately scenes that you may look away from because of how disgusting they are. So I will tell you some of the funniest non nude stunts in the movie. There are a lot. One of the funniest is the firehose rodeo where Dave England actually rides a firehose and flies off of it. How he walks right after he flew off is hilarious. Another stunt is one that was pulled as a prank on the Jackass crew. There was this sign on the wall of them being here. What they don't know is there is a punching bag right behind it. Another funny one involved Brandon Novak and when he skied down the stairway in April and Phil's house, and there was of course the Phil switcheroo where Phil is replaced by a sex craved other Phil,There was also the infamous Rocket scene where Knoxville flies 60 feet in the air and lands into the water. There was also the Gauntlet where people try to avoid sandbags and they all get hurt. There was also the rocket shopping cart and the jet propelled bike where Matt Hoffman nails a sick move. and the funniest was the bungee jump. Where Preston Lacy was anchoring Wee man for the bungee jump and well lets say he gave way. Now this movie does get 5 stars but there is at least 2 problems with the movie that will most likely appear on the dvd in deleted scenes one that was never shown in the movie was where all the guys dress up as animals and go all around India, and the other which was advertised in the trailer was the infamous tooth pool thing involving Don Vito. I was a little bit disapointed that wasn't in the movie, but other then that it was the greatest movie I've ever seen. Don't listen to those guys that said it was bad. Go see it even a Jackass hater may like this movie."
I almost puked...
Mark Gormley | Earth | 10/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was hilarious. It was about 3 times more disgusting than the first. That is the only big difference. There is a scene where Chris Pontius takes horse cum in a glass and takes a shot of it. I gagged a little bit and could have puked. I'm betting that there were people who puked while seeing this movie. But it is a good movie and I recommend seeing it."
Consider yourself warned
Billy Pilgrim | Detroit-ish | 07/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Even if you're a fan of Jackass the series, as I am, you still won't be prepared for this. It goes beyond gross out shock tactics, way beyond, and into some kind of sado-masochistic performance art. Parts of it are hilarious, other parts are disgusting, and some are downright difficult and painful to watch.
Rather than being bored with Knoxville and company's antics, however, I found it to be so over the top that I couldn't help but be entertained, and in the end, when it's finally over, relieved, and kind of exhilarated. Which is not by accident, since they don't make it look easy, and you wonder how they all made it out in one piece without serious damage or injury. It's almost as if they're trying to say, look at us, and what we're doing for your entertainment...not only is it not easy, it's dangerous and painful.
Bees, snakes, sharks, charging bulls, leeches...just about any member of the animal kingdom that can do damage to people is brought in to do so, and if it doesn't, it's provoked until it does. And the damage done is real and visible. At one point, Johnny Knoxville's arm is clearly bandaged up, while another time, it's covered in blood from multiple snake bites. No idea if the two were related.
And there's no lack of vomit or feces, either. Or, for that matter, things going in to or out of rectums. Or genitals being abused. In fact, pretty much any childish, Freudian impulse you can imagine is indulged, freely, and without restraint or hesitation. But there's a lot more going on here than just that, so I won't sell it short."