Jack, the chiller killer is back and he's mad as hell. An accidental lab experiment resurrected the evil snowman, but this time, the crystal killer can't be stopped by fire, bullets or even his worst enemy, chemical anti-f... more »reeze. With revenge on his mind, Jack sets out to finish off his nemesis, Sheriff Sam, who is vacationing on a Caribbean island. Sam's balmy paradise turns into a Winter Terrorland when Jack freezes the island and quickly ices everyone around him. No one can stop the chilling killing spree when Jack can travel as lethal liquid or fatal, frosty flakes. Just when you thawed it was safe to go back in the fridge...« less
Haunted by memories of his previous battle with the killer snowman, the Sheriff from the first 'Jack Frost' movie takes a holiday trip to a tropical island with his wife and some friends... only to be pursued by the re-constituted frozen killer, who can now not only survive the warm temperatures, but he can also reproduce himself (!) in the form of tiny homicidal snowballs. Naturally, gory mayhem ensues (with a few rather obvious nods to 'Gremlins')
This camp-to-the-max, cheap as hell sequel wasn't nearly as much fun as the first 'JF,' mostly because the cast plays up the comedic factor this time around. It was actually funnier when they played everything straight in the first movie, as if they were in a 'real' horror flick. The evil snowball critters were a hoot though.
Make no mistake, neither of the "Jack Frost" films are anywhere close to being GOOD movies, but they're so bad that they're actually kind of awesome in a weird way. Put them both on your Twisted Christmas video viewing list.
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Movie Reviews
Give the film a break - it is what it is...
The Practical Reviewer | Newport Beach, CA | 09/03/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was never intended to be a horror/scary movie. The filmmakers CLEARLY meant for it to be a campy, funny film, with a lot of humorous deaths along the way. If you watch it with that in mind - NOT expecting anything truly scary - but just a disposable, kill-90-minutes-on-a-Saturday-afternoon movie. The production values are nil, and the acting and script are unquestionably sub-par, but on that one certain level - that very specific level I mentioned previously - this movie actually has some funny scenes and isn't as bad as others have made it out to be. The strongest point I can make is the one I made already: if you are looking for The Shining or Rosemary's Baby, this AIN'T it. If you're bored or under the influence of something, there are worse ways to spend 90 minutes. Looking for true scares? Skip it. Looking for a quality horror movie? Skip it. Looking to kill some time and maybe laugh a little, and lighten up a bit, you may want to at least give it a try. I gave the one two stars, because one stars are really reserved for those films that intend to scare and pretend to deliver (if only through the box cover artwork and "reviews" from obscure online review sites) and really rip off the audience.
Just by way of background, and while other reviewers seems to prefer to reveal much of the story and plot, I think that sort of ruins the film in many cases. So, you'll want to look for other reviews and reviewers if that is what you are looking for..."
Fun, Not as Good as the First, But Fun
R. Stringini | Addison, IL United States | 03/02/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have to say, I enjoyed this film very much. I mean, I knew going in that it was going to be a cheesy horror film. Just look at the cover, and you know that. And I was not disappointed. It was fun from the get go with cheesy acting (although the woman who played the main character's wife was very likeable in her role, a much beefier part than in part 1), cheesy dialogue, and tons of gore (at least on the DVD. I hear the VHS is heavily cut). While this is a step down from part 1, in actual film grade and set design, it realizes that from the get go. This one is ten times more self referential than the first one, and also lacks any disturbing scenes (Shannon Elizibeth in the bath tub was one of those scenes in the first one) but still has BUCKETS of gore. I mean, this one has red stuff to spare. And the addition of the little snow ball nasties was a nice touch. They were cute, and very fun to watch. If only they did more CG stuff with them. And on CG, I have to say, the little bit that there was in this movie looked REALLY good for such a cheap budget. If ya liked the first one, check this out. If you haven't seen the first one, watch that instead. Then maybe check this out. Now will someone make a Jack Frost 3!"
Michael Butts | Martinsburg, WV USA | 01/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After seeing the wonderful first JACK FROST, I was wondering if the sequel could deliver as well. It's probably not quite as good as the first, only if the premise isn't as funny and original as it was the first time. BUT it's still one howler of a movie. In watching the extras, director/writer Michael Cooney is obviously the class clown with a warped although stimulating sense of humor. One can see why this movie is so outrageously hilarious!
Christopher Allport, Eileen Seeley, Marsha Clark and Chip Heller are back from the original and David Allen Brooks has plastic surgically returned as Agent Manning. They are all priceless, and have some really funny scenes.
But the star of this one is definitely Frost himself and his killer snowbabies. Looking like Gremlins, smiley faces and the Pillsbury Doughboy all combined, their attack on the lodge is hysterical. The deaths are more gruesome in this one, but they're done in such a "cartoon" style, the violence is more camp than gore. Once again, the music is great, not quite as inventive as the first, but nonetheless perfect.
I loved these two movies because they made me laugh!!!"
Jack Frost 2
Michael Butts | 11/26/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"PLOT:Jack Frost is back and hunting down Sam, our hero from the first film,who is vacationing in the tropics.
ACTING:Well...what do ya expect from this kind of movie? Everyone puts in a cheese-tastic performance.
GORE:(for the DVD-which is unrated) A lot gorier than the original. Fingers bitten off, lots of impalings, glass through one's face, blood splatter, tongue ripped out, a person is crushed into a little pile of entrails and bones, and more! Definetly a lot gorier than you're average killer snowman movie.
PROS:we see more of Jack Frost, more gore, more nudity, lots of black humor, bigger budget, fast paced
CONS:crappy CGI snowballs, bad special effects(that might be a pro...)"
It's funny, campy, and bloody
Michael Butts | 06/18/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"When I was younger, about ten years ago, I saw Jack Frost 1 and thought it was the worst movie ever made. An easy misconception for the series. You'll either love it or hate it and there's hardly and in-between opinion. The movie has tons of funny, low-budget violence that won't make you cringe but make you giggle (tons of gross blood spurting out ala Kill Bill but darker and chunkier), icicles shooting through the mouth, etc. The death scenes are usually originally and occasionally unexpected and ultimately boil down to a big "ha-ha! He's dead!" when the victim pours out some creamy red corn syrup. This movie does not take itself seriously 99% of the time. In a few scenes the actors are obviously aware that they are on camera and make a subtle pun. The filming, while not well done and frustratingly "late night soft-core porn" quality mingles with "so-bad-it's-funny" soap opera dialogue may be frustrating to watch at times; you might feel that quite a few scenes could have been that much better had the writers been a bit more clever. If you don't buy it on DVD, watch it on cable when it comes on. If you do buy it on DVD, watch it with a few friends who enjoy this kind of stuff. It's just pure stupid violent fun."