Drivers betting their lives (and Rides) at D1GP, the world's most reckless motor sport. The line between heaven and hell becomes grey when drivers take it beyond the envelope. This issue features these gutsy guys experienc... more »ing what happens BEYOND their vehicle's ability. Back door, flipped over, and thrown out is a daily routine of abuse amongst these drivers. This is where the insane fit in motorsports. For the first time Dorikin and Orido are left completely speechless. Every D1 Driver Starts Here The World Famous Nomuken Shares his OWN secrets of mastering Drift Techniques. By mastering these techniques your eyes will open and your car will slide at a higher level of drifting. If you have a FR (Front engine Rear Drive) this is your starting line (drifting easy with the right LSD.) Daijiro's Road Test of the Fairlady Z(350Z) Since they call it a sportcar we find out how fast it really is. The Godfather seriously tests the Z ability for Top Speed, Time attack "Touge", and highway characteristics. See what happens when this machine is tested to the limit. "Laugh-Fest" Daijiro vs The Bulldozer (no really we mean it) World class car enthusiast and founder of JDM Option, Daijiro Inada, famous for drag, drift, trips to Boneville and more, drives anything with an engine. His loyal JDM Option staff mercilessly set him up for a real monster ride. "This is a Real Mans Ride" -D1 With a turn of the key both Dai and the dozer get turned on.« less