The coverage of the USA vs JAPAN All-star event at Irwindale Speedway, California! For all you D1 fans that made it to the event, had the opportunity to see the top drifters from opposite sides of the Pacific duke it out i... more »n the frenzy of tire smoke. The sights and sounds of a live D1 event are truly one of a kind. But for all you who couldn?t make it out can pickup a copy of JDM Option Volume 23 and still enjoy the intense battles of the USA vs JAPAN event in the comfort of your own home. The main feature of JDM Option Volume 23 is the coverage of the USA vs Japan event. This video starts off with a well edited compilation music video that highlights all the US and Japanese drivers. The course intro for this new track layout is done by none other than the Drift King himself, Keiichi Tsuchiya, in the gold Top Secret S15. You can tell that this old man needs to brush up on his drifting skills. As an intermission from all the D1 madness, Mana-P does ride-alongs with some US drivers. Complaining as always, Mana-P is forced to ride with Ken Gushi, Rod Millen, and Samuel Hubinette. This section is one of the most humorous parts of the video as you can see in the onboard cam, Mana-P begging for mercy to stop. This section is also provides considerable footage of what these drivers do behind the wheel on this famous Irwindale course.« less