Let There Be Light - #1 Join Rev. Dr. Tweedie as he walks through the land of Israel to the place where God appeared to Abraham and promised that he would be a blessing to the world. Discover how the descendants of Abra... more »ham became a fulfillment of God's promises by adhering to their belief in one God, the Ten Commandments, and codes of ethics and morality. Understand how the laws and commandments of God, which Israel embraced, became the foundation for much of what we have come to cherish as citizens of modern democracies. A Jewish Hope - #2 Join Rev. Dr. Tweedie as he explores how God's promise to Abraham was fulfilled, in one sense, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, events which had a profound impact on one of Christianity's most determined opponents, Saul of Tarsus. Discover how Jesus and Saul became instrumental in rekindling the flame of individual hope amid the pagan darkness of Roman rule over Israel. Learn how the concept of a "Christ"; figure developed in the ancient world and how Salvation, as Christians understand it today, is yet another gift that came to the world through the Jewish people. Scattered Light - #3 Rev. Dr. Tweedie takes you back nearly 2000 years to AD 70 when the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. This marked the beginning of a long period of Jewish dispersion and separation from their sacred homeland. Discover how the Jews continued to be a light to the nations as Jewish researchers made some of the world's greatest scientific, medical and technological discoveries even during the darkest of times. Learn how Jewish cultural influence also helped shape America during the first half of the 20th Century. Nearly Extinguished - #4 Rev. Dr. Tweedie takes you to the sacred ground of Yad Vashem. Against this memorial backdrop of a European Holocaust that claimed six million Jewish lives, profound questions are asked: How could it happen, especially in so-called Christian Europe? Why didn't the Western nations intervene? Why do people suffer in the first place, and where is God in their suffering? What does this mean for the Jews who seemed to have suffered more than any other nation on earth? And why have the Jews been brutally mistreated when they have brought so many blessing into our world? Listen as a Gentile survivor shares what he saw and experienced in one of Hitler's most notorious death camps. A Light to The Nations - #5 Join Rev. Dr. Tweedie as he marvels at the progress of a "nation born in a day" more than 60 years ago. Observe the incredible blessings Israel is bringing to the world beyond her borders. Discover how Israeli creativity and ingenuity are blessing the nations through ongoing research and achievements in science, medicine, technology and more. See and understand how Israel shines an exemplary democratic light within the Middle East. Connect the dots that paint a picture of that brilliant light that is shining from the Promised Land today as a direct fulfillment of God's ancient promise to Abraham. The Fight to Be Light - #6 Rev. Dr. Tweedie examines the conflicting claims regarding the Holy Land in general. Learn the history of the Temple Mount and trace the origins of two prominent symbols of Islam that now occupy this sacred site. What exactly is it that Israel is up against in her fight to be light? Discover what the ancient scriptures have to say about this conflict and what we can expect where the ongoing fight for Jerusalem is concerned. Lingering questions are also asked: Can Israel continue to resist increasing international pressure to divide Jerusalem? Is Israel's call to be a blessing and light to the nations valid today? Can she survive against all odds? Learn how Israel's survival is inextricably linked to God as history's greatest covenant promise keeper.« less