Dixie's Reviews
D. G. Goeritz | 03/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an absolutely outstanding documentary. I have watched it several times already and still find it to be interesting, informative and, I suspect, quite factual. Its only shortcoming might be that it is too short. I would gladly view several hours of information so excellently presented."
Zechariah 12 & 13 - Battle for Jerusalem / Zechariah 14 - Se
the_review_guy | United States | 11/26/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The author takes the viewer through the Bible prophecies which shout to the world that Armageddon will result from the impossible Middle East situation. Jerusalem will be the unsolvable problem of the Last Days. Don't believe it? Get this video and then read the daily headlines in your newspaper and on TV.
During the 9/11 attack there was widespread cheering and dancing in the streets of many countries. America's enemies were not only NOT saddened by the events of 9/11/2001, they were ECSTATIC. If you don't understand all the attacks on innocent Israelis and how that inevitably led to attacks on innocent Americans who were busy working at their desks, taking flights and supporting their families on the morning of September 11, get this video. And yes, the quotes from the Koran are accurately rendered in the film. Check any online Koran if you believe otherwise. See koran 2:191, 9:123, 9:5, 8:65, 9:29, 3:85, 5:11, 9:28, 2:193, 47:4, 8:12, 5:51 and 9:30. On September 11, 2002 Osama bin Laden was celebrated in London, England if you can believe it (source: Yahoo! News at Yahoo.Com "Warm words for bin Laden ...").
The hadiths say muslims will kill all Jews at the Last Hour (hadith sahih bukhari 4:52:176-177, 4:56:791 and so does hadith sahih muslim 41:6981-6985). And they act on that belief. The president of Iran (Ezekiel 38:5, Psalm 83) says he wants nuclear weapons so he can wipe Israel off the face of the Earth (October, 2005) so he can usher in their 12th Imam, or Mahdi. The Bible says the God of Israel will not allow Israel to be completely destroyed (Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 12, Jeremiah 37, etc.). Wake up, folks, to the Signs of the Times. When a nuclear weapon is launched at Israel, they are going to fight back with everything they've got. Revelation 19 is the parallel chapter to Zechariah 14. And this documentary was released before September 11, 2001 (but edited afterwards to include about 5 minutes of post-9/11 information, including footage of the attacks). Highly recommended, but not politically correct. Order it now.
Note: this video is in two forms on Amazon.Com but this one is a little bit cheaper. Here is the link to the other one in case this one is out of stock:
Israel, Islam, and Armageddon
Here's Dave's excellent book on Bible Prophecy:
When Will Jesus Come?: Compelling Evidence for the Soon Return of Christ"